Thursday, December 31, 2009
Auto reply of a short sale agent
Thank you for your email. Please be patient and allow me to respond back to your email within 24-48 hours. If your email is received on the weekend, I will reply back on Monday.
*If you are an agent and need showing instructions, please refer to the MLS.
*If you are inquiring about an update on your offer, please remember this is a Short Sale "Subject to lender's approval." This isn't a typical transaction, the lender is reviewing your offer and are taking a huge loss. They are not typically going to accept an offer immediately when in most cases they are being asked to accept $50-200K less than what is owed.
Please advise your buyers that this process can take 4 weeks and even up to 4 months (depending on the client's and lender's motivation to proceed.)
If you have submitted an offer on a property, an update will be given at least every Friday.
Thank you again for your patience.
International buyers to play a major role in CA’s present and future
Is China the future of real estate in California? A recent report in the International Property Journal anticipates a future surge in Chinese buyers. In Southern California, the report notes, Chinese language listings have already replaced Spanish as the most searched foreign language listings, and Chinese buyers made up 7.5% of international buyers in the United States in 2007. The reason for the anticipated rise? An increase in the value of China’s currency, and a rise in the number of wealthy Chinese citizens, coupled with a drop in home values in the US, makes good deals ever more available and tempting for international buyers.
With an appreciated foreign currency comes greater purchasing power for acquiring property in the United States than that of Americans holding US dollar. Thus, for those individuals holding Euros or any other strong currency, property in the USA is cheaper than comparable property in any other country with a strong currency.
For a foreigner using a strong currency to purchase real estate in California, the current Great Recession offers a double profit advantage that an American holding US dollars does not have. The Great Recession in the USA has further decreased the value of property in states like California.
Re: “China on the move” from The International Property Journal
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Regulation X
Monday, December 14, 2009
Short sale的一点感想
另外一个就是很多人都知道,short sale is not short. 不要把所有的希望放在这一个房子上,Actively look at multiple properties.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Torrey Santa Fe
A sneak peek of the new 4S community
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Carmel Valley Elementary Schools
Del Mar Union
The following schools belong to Del Mar Union school district:
Ashley Fall
Carmel Del Mar
Del Mar Heights
Del Mar Hills
Ocean Air
Sage Canyon
Sycamore Ridge
Torrey Hills
Solana Beach School District: It has 4 schools.
Carmel Creek (俺家读了两年)
Solana Highlands
Solana Pacific
Solana Santa Fe 这个其实是在rancho santa fe里面。
Monday, November 30, 2009
Gov't increases pressure on mortgage industry
@@Mortgage finance company Freddie Mac has hired an outside company Titanium Solutions Inc. to send real estate agents around the country to knock on borrowers' doors and help them complete the paperwork.@@
Homeowners who may be eligible for assistance can call 888-995-HOPE, or visit the Web site
In the mean time, rate dipped to record low!! I emailed many of my clients and neighbors and friends that the good rate -- 4.875 for high balance and no cost. This rate is really good. But I got a feel that the rate will dip again. So we will see.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Del Norte High School (DNHS) 介绍Del Norte高中
Del Norte高中目前有25个俱乐部。有艺术,政治,文化,科学,人文。有自己的棒球队和体操队。 排球队也在组成中。 体育活动有水球,长跑,高尔夫球,网球,排球。还有游泳,潜水,和田径。
Written by A.Z. (my 8 yrs old)
Del Norte High School (DNHS) was opened in August 2009, with the enrollment of approximately 800 students. Right now, it only has freshman and sophomore classes. So you see this is a brand new school, that’s why there is no School Accountability Report Card (SARC) available yet. I believe the 1st report will be available in August 2010.
Unlike Westview High School, DNHS adopts trimester schedule (3x5 system), which is quite unique in Poway School District (Westview is 4x4; RBHS is 2x6 system)). For more information about trimester, please click the following link:
I personally believe DNHS will be one the best high schools in Poway or even in whole San Diego. It has the best student sources (more than 30% Asian students and about 55% White students with decent home income); it has the best teachers and administrators (its principal is Greg Mizel, who is the former principal of Mesa Verde Middle School.); and it also has the best facility (the construction of this brand new school costs more than $100 million).
For me, DNHS is the main reason that my family will move to 4S Ranch in early May.
For more information about DNHS, please check the following links:,_California)
Complimentary information written by Judy J. my close friend.
Fannie Mae announces a sale lease-back program for a deed-in-lieu
Rent under the program is capped at 31% of the homeowner’s pre-tax income, with lease agreements for periods up to 12 months with a renewal or extension on a month-to-month basis. If the home is sold during the term of the lease, the buyer takes title subject to (“inherits”) the lease.
At last the government, through its mortgage arm Fannie Mae, is getting realistic with negative equity homeowners in California, most of who do not qualify for modification as they are at loan-to-values (LTVs) in excess of 125%. Fannie Mae could not previously admit to the obvious: take a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, and if it could not instantly be resold as a real estate owned (REO) property, lease back the property to the homeowner who could/would not pay on the loan. However, the government agency must still foreclose on homeowners who have second liens on their homes in order to convey title to the property on resale as an REO.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mortgage Delinquencies Are Still Rising
"Until the housing market can consistently demonstrate several months of home value appreciation and the unemployment rate improves, mortgage delinquency will likely continue to rise," said F.J. Guarrera, vice president of TransUnion's financial services division.
Monday, November 16, 2009
会稳定的人说:圣地亚哥有钱人多的是。 通货膨胀。 钱不值钱了。 大家会更加进房市。
另外,现在银行不急于FORECLOSURE房子了,两房允许欠款的房主,变为租客,总统还让两房外包一些agent上山下乡去敲门帮助填写天书一样的loan modification的申请。
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tax credit extension passed
更好的是existing homeowners也有份了。不过要住满5年。
更妙的是这回基本上大家都可以qualify了。 工资的标准涨了很多。 从7万5到12万5了!
The tax credit will be extended through April 30, 2010, with a 60-day extension if a binding contract is in place prior to the deadline. First-time home buyers will continue to receive a tax credit of up to $8,000, while existing homeowners will receive a reduced credit of up to $6,500. Existing homeowners will be eligible for the $6,500 if they have lived in their current residences for at least five years. The bill also will increase the qualifying income limits from $75,000 for single tax filers and $150,000 for joint filers, to $125,000 and $225,000, respectively. The purchase price of the home is capped at $800,000.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Sorry but this blog opened to my clients only.
Please email me if you want to be added to the viewers' list.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
100 DIY Upgrades for Under $100
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
BoA Struggles With Loan Modifications
There appear to be multiple problems, not the least of which is that many of the employees handling the modifications are completely new to the business. Angry investors complicate the issue, with 15 percent of them demanding that the bank get their approval for every single case.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Coming soon in 4S Ranch!!
Carmel Valley Townhouse: Crest
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Carmel Valley Townhouses Summary
2005建。 2-4 bedrooms 230 户。 4种户型。 1478 到 1572. HOA 226. 有健身房。无院子。 前面有一个小阳台。
优点: 新。 靠近CCA.
缺点: 太近56, 有些unit比较吵。有噪音。
以前是出租房(02年建)后于04年开始卖。 一共181家。Split level (跃层)2卧室的是1231平尺 3卧室的是1388平尺. HOA358. 有健身房。无院子。
优点: 近中学。 超近距离。 新。 厨房都是不锈钢厨具和大理石台面。高厅。
缺点: HOA较高。
在del mar heights北面。 PARDEE88年建的。 235户。 1203 到1445平尺。 HOA: 278+32.
缺点: 旧。 HOA高。
Canyon Ridge:
96到98年建。 Twin homes. 有院子。 有gate。 高厅。 116户。 1660到1859平尺. HOA168. MR:905 一年。
优点: 有门,HOA比较低。 Floor plan比较好。有自己的院子。
缺点: 不能走路去小学和初中。
Chateau Village:
Twin homes. Pardee 93年建。 170户。 只有2种plan, 1151 or 1532 平尺。 HOA 205 MR 565一年。有网球场。有院子。
缺点: 走路不能上小学。 而且不少的unit可以听到5号的噪音。
Carmel Valley的小资房。 跃层结构。 没有院子。 197户。 97年98年建。 三种户型从1300 到1584 平尺。HOA210。MR791一年。
优点:最大号的plan比较nice. 厨房大而且独立。
缺点: 走路不能上小学。 进门处的unit有噪音。
环境优美的小区,160个condo, 91年建。 只有2个卧室。 最大的1191sf.
曾经得过最佳设计奖。 没有院子。 地理位置好。 走路上所有的学校和购物中心,图书馆,公园。 1988年建184户。 户型从1123到1694不等。 HOA 250-280.
优点: 地理位置好。
缺点: 比较挤。 难停车。 有些unit是半地下室。
93年建。 119户。 和Palermo相连。 地理位置好。 走路去所有的地方。 小区环境不错。 安静。 除了一边靠Carmel Country的会吵一些。 有网球场。 低HOA 120, MR 678-790一年。
优点: 地理位置好。有院子。
Del Mar Height的北面。 90年建192户。 Plan1是1400平尺。 Plan 2是1600平尺左右。 HOA 268. MR550 到678一年。
196户 93年建。 有condo有townhouse. 无院子。HOA 118, MR 565.
优点: 地理位置好。
Regent Square:
Carmel Valley最高级的Townhouse. 现代的设计。 面积大。 一共才60户。 于02-04年建。 1945平尺到2164平尺。HOA 285.
优点: 地理位置好。
缺点: 贵!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Pacific Highlands Ranch
从Del Mar Height & Carmel Valley交界开始:
1. Arabella
Pardee在05到07年之间开发的。有3个plan. Plan1比较小,2006sf. 楼下就是客厅厨房加一个formal dining. 楼上3间卧室。 都不是很大。 Plan2是2056. Plan3最大有2456sf. 楼下可以有option加一卧室。 楼上3间卧室加一个loft(可以改成卧室)。 Lot size不大,4000左右。
价格大概80到90万之间。HOA 225, MR 220.
2. Santa Rosa
是Pardee同期开发的3000尺左右的房子。 Plan1 2952sf. Plan3 3600sf. Lot 6000到8000尺不等。
3. Portico
Pardee 2004年推出的为了配合喜欢Carmel Valley又囊中羞涩的人群开发的貌次townhouse其实是single family的房型。 一共4个房型。 从2100到2400不等。 其中plan3还得到过一个设计的award。 (plan3的设计中国人喜欢。 门在正中间,两边对称的)
4. 最新开发的楼盘Manzanita Trail. 我单独有介绍。 这里不重复了。
1,2,3 & 4 一起,算是,或者说,叫做Pacific Highlands Ranch。
Pardee总是大力鼓吹自己是living smart, 强调自己的energy saving的选择。 不过他自己才真是smart。 早在10多年前都买下了carmel valley一众空地。 虽然这几年bubble破了,在LV损失不少,但是sd这边稳打稳扎,稳赚不赔。 题外话了。
5. Santa Babara: 85 units.
顺着Del Mar Height往西走,路右手边一个gated community 是Santa Babara. 也是Pardee建的。 最外面的一圈都有canyon view. 房子比较大,3377到4000. Lot也不小。 尤其是有view的lot很大。 03年的时候都要卖到100万了。 (HOA106,MR120)Santa Babara goes to Carmel Creek which only has up to 4th grade.
6. Solein & Bordeaux
Bordeaux 是Pardee2004年的楼盘。 一共有287户。 从2500到2700. Pardee05到06年期间又在相连的地做了Solein。 Solein的户型设计颇受好评。 导致现在在卖的Bridal Ridge沿用的和Solein同样的户型。
Solein和Bordeaux go to Sycamore Ridge school. (Del Mar Union School District) Only 4 years old but very good school! (New and good API). The Principle's last name is DISNEY! And she writes a blog! Check it out!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
3 Big Banks now Dominate Mortgage Market

Friday, September 18, 2009
这个排名100个DIY upgrades under $100的第二。
Dense, dark, wonderfully fragrant evergreen foliage from the ground up never needs shearing or pruning. An ideal choice for a privacy screen, it is easy to grow, and very long-lived, with good deer, pest, and disease resistance. Best if grown in sun but will tolerate light shade. Reaches 30 to 50 feet tall, 8 to 10 feet wide in just 10 years. Grows 3 feet or more each year, topping out at 50 feet tall. Stands up to wind, heavy ice and snow loads, and temperatures to -20° F. Deer, bagworms, and other pests and insects leave it alone. Adapts to most any soil. Wonderful "piney" fragrance. Great alternative to Hemlock in the North, Leyland Cypress in the South. Stays green year-round and doesn't mind heat and drought. Branches right down to the ground and can be sheared to any shape. Thrives in full sun to light shade.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Derby Hills
Last Sunday when we were there, there was quite a few visitors. Now the models are totally open to public. You don't have to go through sales' judgmental greetings. Anyway, I made some sort of funny model tour videos and will be posted on my youtube channel. My client really liked them (not the house but the videos I made)
There is only one model left for sale and listed for 1600K.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Duck pond auction

这个房子在Del Mar Mesa。 我想很多人一直住在Carmel Valley但是可能都不知道哪里是Del Mar Mesa。 这个地方相当的隐蔽。 从Carmel Country一直往山上走,过了56往左转。一直上山。 路很窄就2条lane。 里面都是各式各样的豪宅。 整个Del Mar Mesa有2000多亩地。
Duck Pond只有12户。每一户都是1-2亩地。坐落在Del Mar Mesa的最顶上。往下看就是Penasquitos Canyon。 (听说里面有一个很美的瀑布)
这个在卖的房子有10个卧室。 10,000sf. 同时还在出租一个月是22750. 房主是580万买的。 别的话就不用说了。
Going Once, Going Twice, Sold at LIVE AUCTION -- NO RESERVE PRICE. This home will be sold on October 22nd, 2009, subject to Seller's confirmation. Previously listed at $7,999,999, this home could be absolutely the best deal of the year. With no reserve price and no minimum opening bid, this is the chance of a lifetime.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Hire a tough home inspector
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Updates on Terramar
Terramar, new neighborhood of two-story homes with three to five bedrooms located right across street from Westview highschool.
New information will be posted when it becomes available.
Updatd on Sept. 13...I ran into the guy who replies all email inquires at Pardee and he told me that the managers are having comparables done and making the final pricing. He would think the prices would be in the 700Ks. They will start everything early 2010.
又一次的狼来了: Foreclosure Flood
不过现在看这些新闻感觉就是狼来了。 叫嚣了几次了市场上的inventory还是很少。 现在很多人要买房子但是没有房源。 尤其是好区的房子大家喜闻乐见的价位的房子更是奇缺。 搞得有个好房子一出来就像早市一样拥挤。所以真的会不会有很多bank own出来,会不会影响整体房价,就只能拭目以待了。
There have been a lot of accusations on the blogs and on the air that banks are holding on to REO (bank-owned) foreclosed properties because they don't want to put them on the market and push home prices ever lower.
In digging into this, I got a few interesting answers:
Bank of America:
- Foreclosure sales have been abnormally low since we learned of the pending implementation of the administration's Making Home Affordable program. From that point, we delayed the initiation of foreclosure proceedings and sales for customers that may eligible for a loan modification under MHA. As a result of this policy, our foreclosure sales in recent months have been as little as half the normal pace we experienced before.
- Until a foreclosure is completed, Bank of America continues to exhaust every possible option to qualify customers for modification or other solutions.
- Now that Making Home Affordable programs are operational, we do project an increase in foreclosures as we exhaust every available option to qualify customers for modifications and other solutions.
- While we have very strong loan modification programs now available, unfortunately, these foreclosure projections reflect the increasing number of customers who will not qualify for loan modification because they have suffered major life events servicers can't solve...primarily unemployment and underemployment.
- We do not hold foreclosed properties off the market. The vast majority of mortgages serviced by Bank of America are owned by third-party investors. We have an obligation to them to prepare foreclosed properties for market and sell them as efficiently as possible.
Based upon foreclosure and REO timelines, it's going to take at least 18 months to flush the system of our current problems. But to flush the problems in only 18 months, more problem loans need to leave the system relative to the new problem loans of today and tomorrow. That does not appear to be the case right now-we aren't clearing faster than new problems are emerging.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
We started looking for the perfect house with Connie a year ago. From time to time, we feel like we really should jump in, but she advised us to wait longer. Now we got almost the best deal on the new construction in 4S ranch and we feel like it's really the perfect time for us to buy. We love our new home!! Thinking back we feel very lucky to have Connie as our reatlor.
Mei Wang & Zhiyuan Yang @ 4S Ranch Parkway
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Greathouse, 主人是很年轻的老婆是设计师, 他们家也carry不少牌子。
9050 Kenamar Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Phone: (858)271-1145
- 7720 El Camino Real
- Carlsbad, California, 92009
圣地亚哥的现代家具店也不少。 我要时间就会去乱逛逛的有Z Galaries, Home Goods, Hold it, BoConcept, Crate and Barrel, Lawrance, West Elm, . 说到家具店,其实我还蛮喜欢ELLAN ALLEN, 可惜啊,也是太贵了。而且他家的东西下了单就不退不换。 还要等很久。
我也试过在网上买家具,折腾,先要量好了尺寸,然后使劲想像picture摆在房间里的感觉,等来了不合适还要送到UPS去退。 另外网店卖家具的Overstock, sam's club, costco都不错。 选择多,价格好。 我一个朋友家很多东西都是overstock上置来的,搭配的好,看起来也会有不错的效果。最常去和给客户推荐的其实就是home goods, 只要你经常去逛肯定能有物超所值的收获!
Ikea的粉丝看这里: 家里地方不大,或者喜欢经常换换家里的家具,
Restoration Hareware:
Z Gallerie
Pottory Barn
Kern & Co.
Solana Beach
West Elm
Wood Bridge Interiors
Hickory Furniture
Drexel Heritage
Seaside Home
Saturday, August 22, 2009
New release of Manzanita Trail
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Testmoni from Client
黄文 & 张卫东 @ Eagle Canyon