Thursday, September 27, 2007

Making the Grade

Elementary Schools:

Carlsbad Unified

Number of schools: 9 elementary, 3 middle, 1 high school, 1 alternative, 1 small
Top schools: Kelly Elementary, enrollment 662, API base score 932;
Pacific Rim, enrollment 839, API base score 908

The district’s student enrollment for September is projected to be 10,601——a 0.5 percent increase over last year. Poinsettia Elementary, the new $16.2 million campus, will open this fall and relieve overcrowding at Kelly and Aviara Oaks elementary schools. In east Carlsbad, Poinsettia Elementary will serve students in kindergarten through fifth grade from Bressi Ranch, La Costa Greens, Cantamar and surrounding communities.

Del Mar Union
Number of schools: 8 elementary
Top schools: Ashley Falls Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 551, API base score 956;
Sage Canyon Elementary School (grades K-6), enrollment 769, API base score 965;
Carmel Del Mar Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 491, API base score 913;
Del Mar Heights Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 462, API base score 946;
Sycamore Ridge (grades K-6), enrollment 380, API base score 921;
Torrey Hills (grades K-6), enrollment 784, API base score 950

The Del Mar Union School District, serving Del Mar, Del Mar Heights and part of Carmel Valley, has grown from two to seven schools since 1992. About 3,800 students are served. The new Ocean Air School is scheduled for completion in the fall. Del Mar Union has the highest district API base score in the county (939).

Encinitas Union
Number of schools: 9 elementary
Top schools: El Camino Creek Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 911, API base score 939;
Flora Vista Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 519, API base score 937;
La Costa Heights Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 617, API base score 905;
Mission Estancia Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 570, API base score 924;
Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 722, API base score 937

One of five elementary school districts that feeds into the San Dieguito Union High School District, Encinitas Union serves 5,647 students in Carlsbad, La Costa and Encinitas neighborhoods. All of its schools have been recognized as California Distinguished Schools, and La Costa Heights School and Olivenhain Pioneer have been recognized as National Blue Ribbon Schools. Mission Estancia was recently selected to apply for one of the 2007 National Blue Ribbon Schools recognitions.

Poway Unified

Number of schools: 23 elementary, 6 middle, 4 high schools, 1 continuation
Top schools: Adobe Bluffs Elementary, enrollment 711, API base score 911;
Chaparral Elementary, enrollment 802, API base score 923;
Creekside Elementary, enrollment 785, API base score 959;
Deer Canyon Elementary, enrollment 580, API base score 945;
Los Peñasquitos Elementary, enrollment 574, API base score 905;
Painted Rock Elementary, enrollment 607, API base score 920;
Park Village Elementary, enrollment 805; API base score 938;
Rolling Hills Elementary, enrollment 390; API base score 913;
Shoal Creek Elementary, enrollment 653, API base score 903;
Turtleback Elementary, enrollment 549, API base score 904

The third-largest school district in the county, Poway Unified serves more than 32,000 students. All-time highs in API and AYP were achieved in 2006. Monterey Ridge Elementary, the newest school in the district, opened in August 2006. Two more elementary schools and a high school are planned to open by 2010.

Rancho Santa Fe
Number of schools: 1 elementary, 1 middle
Top school: R. Roger Rowe School (grades K-6), enrollment 621, API base score 944

Rancho Santa Fe School District began with a single schoolhouse in 1905 and today educates 831 students, kindergarten through eighth grade. Rowe Middle School is a top performer and included in our middle school section. The district recently posted a parent survey that addressed overcrowding and the need for another school.

San Diego Unified Eugene Brucker Education Center,
Number of schools: 114 elementary, 23 middle, 27 high schools, 34 charter, 18 alternative
Top schools: Benchley Weinberger Elementary, enrollment 550, API base score 906;
Bird Rock Elementary, enrollment 473, API base score 941;
Curie Elementary, enrollment 591, API base score 921;
Dingeman Elementary, enrollment 842, API base score 932;
Hearst Elementary, enrollment 410, API base 920;
Jerabek Elementary (year-round), enrollment 832, API base score 921;
La Jolla Elementary, enrollment 522, API base score 912;
Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary, enrollment 539, API base score 924;
Sunset View Elementary (grades K-4), enrollment 398, API base score 901;
Torrey Pines Elementary, enrollment 395, API base score 919

The second-largest district in California and eighth-largest urban district in the United States, San Diego Unified School District serves 132,482 students. The diverse student population represents more than 15 ethnic groups and more than 60 languages and dialects. Laura Rodriguez Elementary School, Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary and Thurgood Marshall Middle School will open this year. Lincoln High and Burbank Elementary were recently rebuilt and will reopen this month.

Solana Beach

Number of schools: 6 elementary
Top schools: Carmel Creek (grades K-4), enrollment 673, API base score 954;
Solana Highlands (grades K-4), enrollment 730, API base score 948;
Solana Pacific (grades 5 and 6), enrollment 472, API base score 952;
Solana Santa Fe Elementary (grades K-6), enrollment 457, API base score 939

The district currently serves about 2,700 students at six elementary schools. Pacific Highlands Ranch, a seventh school, is in the planning stages. All of the eligible schools are California Distinguished Schools and exceed the 800 API achievement target.

Middle Schools
Poway Unified
Mesa Verde Middle School (grades 6-8), enrollment 1,390, API base score 901
Rancho Santa Fe
R. Roger Rowe Middle School (grades 7 and 8), enrollment 171, API base score 921

San Dieguito Union High
710 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas
Superintendent: Peggy Lynch, Ed.D.
Number of schools: 4 middle, 3 high schools, 1 alternative, 1 continuation, 1 small
Top schools:
Carmel Valley Middle (grades 7 and 8), enrollment 1,352, API base score 939;
Earl Warren Middle (grades 7 and 8), enrollment 570, API base score 905

The San Dieguito Union High School District enrolls about 12,000 students in Encinitas, Solana Beach and Del Mar and also serves unincorporated neighboring areas such as La Costa, Olivenhain, Rancho Santa Fe, Fairbanks Ranch and Carmel Valley. Students from those districts matriculate through the district’s middle and high schools, with the exception of those from the Rancho Santa Fe School District, who begin as freshmen.