Friday, June 28, 2013

News Release - SD County

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Village-style concept proposed for new 4S/Del Sur school

Village-style campus connected by a pedestrian mall is the favored concept for Poway Unified’s first school to unite kindergartners through eighth-graders on one campus.
Various building, field and parking configurations — along with their selling points and pitfalls — for the 22-acre site in Del Sur were shown on Sept. 29 to participants at the conclusion of a three-day design symposium the district held to start creating its 39th campus. 
For now, planners will explore configurations for five two-story villages surrounding an administration building, multipurpose facility and perhaps an open-air gym. The villages could accommodate 150 students per floor that would each have five classrooms sharing a collaboration area and lab space. Lower levels could have adjacent outdoor areas or yards and upper levels have decks and balconies. In all, the campus could accommodate 1,500 students, with space to build additional villages if needed.
The school is tentatively set to open in August 2014 to serve Black Mountain Ranch’s Del Sur community and perhaps the west side of 4S Ranch. It will relieve an ever-growing student population at Del Sur, Monterey Ridge and Stone Ranch elementary schools and Oak Valley Middle School.
Del Sur development plans call for new housing and a town center west of the new campus that is bordered by Camino del Norte to the north, Lone Quail Drive to the east and Del Norte High to the south.
There is interest for a health and fitness focus, but not one created around sports, and talk of a community garden with crops incorporated into meals served on campus.
Other features receiving support are synthetic turf fields, separate student drop-off locations for buses and parents, and architectural features that create a campus identity when viewed from community roadways.
“We really believe we can solve a lot of issues with good, solid planning,” Baker said.
Tarantino called the initial plans “dramatic” and “awesome.”
A budget has yet to be determined, but Tarantino said the school will be financed through the community facility district.
“We have the means to fund this without affecting the general fund or waiting for state (money),” he said.

 Principal Sonya Wrisley

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Watermark June 7-8 Release 给决心填表的你们

对watermark下次release的价格, 我上一次release之后就估了1.2 (Plan 3)还是蛮准的。

Sales office第一次发出了一个价格清单, 是1.18, 第二天就发出了道歉信。 说发错了。 估计是内部定价讨论了一下, take the bet of the hot market, 又涨价了。 尴尬啊尴尬。而且这次Release还是来填表, 内部决定。 不公开。 只是你不买也一定来来办公室defer。 Builder牛了, 地少人多, 分不过来。 他咋说,你就得招办。

物以稀为贵。 新房, 好学区, 户型不错。 附近接地气儿。 买的人还是会乌泱乌泱的。 利息涨了不要紧, 4.25% 还是低。 现在就只能往前看了。