Monday, December 16, 2013


2013年年底,回顾一下这一年的重点 - 其实年初这些都有说过了。 信不信由你。


从二月份开始房价开始了一天一个价的势头。 不但买家的脚步跟不上, 业内人士也都大跌眼镜。 到年底势头仍然没有减弱。



综合低房价,低利率,低市场保有量的因素影响,一个房源多家竞争的例子屡见不鲜 。好区出来还不错的房子基本上都是5个offer以上。


2013年度33.6%的买家是全款现金支付,在过去的3中,这一比重一直是呈现上升趋势,其中海外热钱更是引人注意。 好多人觉得是中国人最牛, 其实是排第四, 第一是墨西哥, 第二加拿大



One of the best. At the very least, one of the top five producers of fine wood and upholstered furniture in the United States. Very expensive, but worth every dollar. Collectable, and surely one of tomorrow's heirlooms.

Bassett Furniture Company

Modest but honest value. Good starter furniture or perfect for kids' rooms and vacation homes. One of the largest domestic producers of case goods and upholstery.

Bernhardt Furniture Company

A wonderful line of impressive fine wood product. Their approach to finishes has always baffled me a bit as it seems they work hard to produce muted, opaque finishes while I prefer clearer, transparent finishes--a minor point when the line is considered in toto. Absolutely one of the better lines in the United States.

Broyhill Furniture Company

Good values, a well-priced, nicely styled line. Don't hesitate to give it a good look. Carried by many large chains.

Century Furniture Company

Certainly one of the top 10 producers of fine wood furniture and upholstery in the U.S. Beautifully styled and beautifully finished, a line to look for when considering the best.

Drexel-Heritage Furniture Company

Its best collections are as good as it gets. A big lineup of product from modest to expensive. I always consider Drexel the point where price and value meet. Pay more and you get more glitter, but not more value. Pay less and you really are getting less. The Heritage product is as good as it gets. Heritage competes directly with Century and Henredon.

E.J. Victor

Relatively new, but immediately a leading contender for inclusion in our top 10 producers of the very finest wood product and upholstery product. Simply magnificent furniture. You will only find it displayed in your area's finest stores. Expensive, but well worth it.

Ethan Allen Furniture Company

One of the great success stories in the furniture world. Its product assortment and store presentations have set the standard for all other producers to follow. You will never be unhappy with an Ethan Allen purchase. Generally priced at the lower end of the Drexel and Thomasville lines.

Ferguson Copeland

A newer company that is offering a tremendous amount of style and pizzazz for the money. Check them out.

Flexsteel Furniture Company

One of the country's largest producers of upholstery product. Good, solid, reliable upholstery, well-priced and well-styled.

Guy Chaddock & Company

My personal favorite for the finest country wood pieces produced in the United States. Their finishes are works of art. A piece of Guy Chaddock can make a room. I would buy a piece from any of their collections, sight unseen, and know I would love it.

Hancock & Moore

Excellent leather furniture. Generally considered to be the top of the line for leather upholstery.

Harden Furniture Company

Very good product. Harden offers bedroom, dining and occasional furniture. A small company with good attention to quality. Priced at about Drexel.

Hekman Furniture Co.

Upper-end company manufacturing mostly occasional furniture. They have an excellent desk program. Good quality. Priced near Drexel and Thomasville.

Henredon Furniture Company

One of the top 10 producers of fine wood and upholstered furniture. Beautiful finishes, beautiful woodwork, beautiful design. If you own Hendredon, you own some of the very best.

Highland House Furniture Co.

One of the country's top producers of fine upholstery. Beautiful designs, careful, excellent quality standards. You will never make a mistake buying this product.

Henkel Harris

Very high quality, solid wood furniture. Many traditional designs. Priced near the top.

Hooker Furniture Company

Medium-priced entertainment centers, bedroom and occasional furniture. Excellent value. One of the leading producers of entertainment centers. A good buy. Give them a good look.

Karges Furniture Co.

Expensive and lush. Magnificent wood furniture. Perhaps the most opulent of the American manufacturers. Collectable. Very distinctive design and execution.

Kindel Furniture Company

Kindel's big problem is the ever-diminishing number of purists who appreciate the understated elegance and refinement of this grand line. Expensive, but a true collectible.

Lane Furniture Company

Middle of the road. Competes with Lexington and below.

Lexington Furniture Company

One of the great values in wood furniture in the United States. I believe Lexington gives you more bang for your buck than any other line in the country. Is it the best? No, but it may be the best value. Lexington is a consistent industry leader in style offerings.

Maitland-Smith Furniture Company

One of the largest and earliest developers of exciting wood product coming out of the Philippines. Many unusual pieces, a very exciting line. Heavy in occasional wood furniture. Uses techniques that cannot be touched by mainland producers. Even with all the excitement and style, a very affordable collection of items. Very influential in the industry.

Marge Carson Furniture Co.

Distinctive and outstanding producer of fine contemporary wood and upholstered furniture. Some of the most pleasing contemporary designs produced in the U.S. come out of this company. Beautiful finishes that few other producers even attempt. If you are after a look for today and can indulge yourself, you must take a look at Marge Carson. This producer has had a heavy impact on upper-end furnture styles in the U.S. Priced at the Henredon/Heritage level.

Natuzzi Furniture Company

One of the world's biggest producers of leather upholstery. Perhaps some of the best-styled leather product to be found anywhere. I don't think it is the best quality but, for the money, you may not be able to do better.

Pennsylvania House Furniture Company

A consistent producer of good traditional wood furniture and upholstery. Long in the shadow of Ethan Allen, it deserves its own place in the sun. It would be a mistake to miss shopping this fine company.


Competes with Stanley but usually a little more dramatic in its presentation.

Stanley Furniture Company

Modestly-priced, often very excitingly-styled furniture. Excellent value, a good line for your first home. Usually priced below Lexington.

Stickley Furniture Company

The price mover behind the arts and crafts movement and still the force behind the mission style that is very big now. Stickley is what fine furniture-making is all about. Uncompromising quality and unquestioned status as one of the country's finest wood furniture producers. Expensive, but you will be glad to own a piece of Stickley.

Sumter Cabinet

Well-priced, solid wood line. Well put-together, although most designs are pretty basic. Very good value.

Thomasville Home Furnishings

A big, well-done line of excellent wood and upholstery. You should always make it a point to shop a Thomasville showcase store. They miss very few bases. A direct competitor with Drexel, Ethan Allen and the upper end of Lexington.

Universal Furniture Company

A big offshore producer of modestly-priced wood furniture. Style and detailing is amazing when you consider their prices. A great value. At or below Stanley.


Modest case goods aimed at the mass marketer. Competes with Bassett and Universal.

Selva: 9
Statton: 9
Harden: 9
Century: 9
Hicory White: 9
Baker: 9
Sligh: 9
Classic Leather: 9

Fine Furniture Design & Marketing: 8
Bernhardt: 8
Artistica: 8
Jessica Charles: 8
Maitland-Smith: 8
Motioncraft: 8
Sherrill: 8
Theodore Alexander: 8

Leather Trend: 7
Laurier: 7
Thomasville: 7
Pennsylvania House: 7
Lexington: 7
Cresent: 7
Design Master: 7
Jackson Carter: 7
Martha Stewart Signnature: 7
Orville & Mead: 7
Precedent: 7
Seven Seas: 7
Color Shop: 7

Hooker: 6
Stanley: 6
Universal: 6
Clayton Marcus: 6
Magnussen: 6
American Drew: 6
Mirador: 6
Natuzzi: 6

Lane: 5
Legacy: 5 or 6
Broyhill: 5

Thursday, December 5, 2013


信用好, 人品好, 事要少!




让潜在的房客填写申请表, 然后通过他们的社会安全号和现在居住地址就可以调出房客的信用记录。 此外,还可以联系租客之前的房东,看看租客是否按时付房租,是否精心照料房间,当然,租期长短也是很必要的。如果可能的话可以询问一下租客的工作情况,比如,是否稳定或薪资情况。


给你一个未来租客的大概印象。同时也会让你有一个基本的感觉——将来和租客相处会不会很舒服。房东和房客之间的互信和相知是很重要的,“面试”一下, 即便租客的租房史非常不错,但是如果你怎么看这个租客都不爽,那就千万不要委屈自己了!毕竟现在租房是卖房市场,相信房东不会空置房子太久的。









Wednesday, October 23, 2013

不要纠结 - 理智分析一个房子是否值得投资

这篇文章出自万枫在2009年发表于文学城的投资理财版。 我个人觉得分析透彻,条理清楚。 暨大家都在争相购入投资房之际, 转发于此给大家参考。 Credit goes to Feng Wan @ Wenxuecity

究竟应当怎样判断一项房地产是否值得的投资? 凭的主要是三项指标: 1 ) Cap Rate , 2 ) Cash flow ,和 3 ) Return on equity 。 它们各反映不同的层面,各有各的用处。慢慢说明。

1 ) Cap Rate :年租金净收入除以购买价格。年租金净收入=年租金收入-房地产税,保险费等等费用,但不包括贷款利息和贷款保险。 Cap Rate 是购买投资性房产的重要指标。它直接反映投资回报和房产价格之间的关系。
但是,市场上待售的房产的 Cap Rate 是相对稳定的,卖方也不是傻子,租金收入高的房产价格就会高,租金收入低的房产价格就会低。所以一个局部市场的 Cap Rate 是相对稳定的,一般能达到 6-8% 就不错了。经济危机的情况下,购买到高 Cap Rate 房产的机会增多,但在一般情况下,找到很高 Cap Rate 的房产可能是一种奢望,只有在价格扭曲的市场里才有可能。 Cap Rate 是个前提,但不能直接反映你是否盈利,因为,它不能反映你的资金成本。

2 ) Cash flow :即每年在运作该房产,实际进出的现金流量。如果得到现金,则为正现金流;如果要贴进现金则为负现金流。

按照广泛接受的定义,现金流量,仅反映现金形式的资本进出该房产的状况,是个流动性( liquidity )指标,它既不代表收入( income ),也不代表盈利 (Return) 。比如,一个完全没有租金收入的房产,可以通过倒按揭( reverse mortgage )的方式获得正的现金流。又比如,在固定 Cap Rate 的条件下,现金流可以由于贷款项目的不同(不同的头款和代款周期),而有不同的现金流。我注意到有些投资者把现金流的定义泛化了从而失去了现金流本身的意义。

3 ) Return on equity :即每年运作该房产的净收入除以你实际投在该房产里的资本。其中,净收入( Return ) = 年租金收入减去房地产税,保险费,维修费,管理费 , 贷款利息和按揭保险。注意,这里需要减除贷款利息和按接保险,而按揭里付进本金的部分不用减。分母的 equity = 房屋的价格减去贷款余额。你的房产是你和你的贷款银行共同拥有,有很大一部分 equity 是属于银行的。
Return on equity 直接反映了你投在该房产里的资本回报率,是最根本的盈利指标。如果这个回报率低于其他投资项目,对于我,比如达不到 10% ,就该考虑是否应该做。请注意,如果,是现金购买, Return on equity= Cap Rate ,所以,资本回报率一般不高。如果贷款,会有使用杠杆的放大作用,用好了可以大大提高 Return on equity 。
下面以一个假想例子来表明这三种指标的运用。一房产价格 20 万(包括购买费用),年租金毛收入 1 万 8 千( 1500/ 月),扣除房地产税,保险费,管理费等等费用后,年租净收入为 1 万 5 千。那么, Cap Rate 为 1 万 5 千 /20 万 =7.5% 。如果现金购买: Cash flow 为 1 万 5 千, Return on equity 为 7.5% 。如果,付 20% 头款,贷款 80% , 30 年,利率 5% (按揭 10307/ 年,利息第一年 7946 ),那么, Cap Rate 不变仍为 7.5% , Cash flow=15000-10307=4693/ 年, Return on equity= ( 15000-7946 ) /40000=17% 。根据这个分析,在给定的条件下,我会选择以贷款方式购买,虽然,现金流低于全现金购买( 4693/ 年对 1 万 5 千),但资本回报率大大高于全现金购买( 17% 对 7.5% )。简单的说,你花了 4 万元获得了 4693/ 年 资本回报,好于你花 20 万仅获得 1 万 5 千的回报。这也是为什么计算 Return on equity 对判断盈利(是否合算和值得)最为重要的原因。
还有,应当注意的是,随着时间流逝,由于持续付按揭到本金部分,你在该房产里的 equity (分母)会越来越大,如果租金收入不变, Return on equity 会逐渐下降。应考虑增加租金,或者采取 Cash Back Refinance 方式,维持原来的杠杆,从而维持较高的 Return on equity 。

Monday, September 2, 2013

UTC Mall updated with many new stores!!

UTC Mall renovation 基本上接近成功了。 走现代路线, 年轻有活力, 对比 Fashion Valley的奢华。

他们家新开了不少的饭馆。有人wonder 他家摆放在外面的 Patio Furniture吗?

加上附近的商圈,还是值得在假日和家人朋友们一起去relax & spend some money的。

另外今天的大新闻, 微软把诺基亚买了。

Sunday, September 1, 2013

千叮咛万嘱咐 - 做贷款中要注意的问题


1.  最近去mall里买东西, 店员热情地让你开张信用卡, 能省10%, 15%, 先忍忍, 别开了。 等买了房子再说。查一次信用分数最少要降10分。 另外, 你可以去 去检测你的信用分。 信用分是贷款的基本。 关系到你能拿到的利息。 一定要维护好。 

2. 从亲朋好友那里借钱或者gift,  有些lender还会要对方的2个月的银行流水。 所以不是那么简单。 先和自己的agent还有loan officer 沟通好。 凡事提前准备好。 另外loan officer也会帮你规划一下, 算好你需要准备多少首付加上Reserve.

3. 这个就是我不怕罗嗦不怕麻烦千叮咛万嘱咐的事情: 所有的进账, 银行会让你解释怎么来的,哪怕有的时候只有几百块钱! 有一次客户就是一摸裤兜有200块钱顺便存银行了。 解释信写了好几次才过关。 你肯定说银行没事找事小题大做。 但是银行的确有很多页的guidelines, 遇到较真儿的underwriter你怎么办啊。

4. 换工作的, 工作有些状况的, 前后2个工作之间有Gap的, 也要提前和loan officer沟通。 基本上都是可以解决的, 就是要提前想到沟通好。 

Friday, August 23, 2013



















Friday, June 28, 2013

News Release - SD County

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Village-style concept proposed for new 4S/Del Sur school

Village-style campus connected by a pedestrian mall is the favored concept for Poway Unified’s first school to unite kindergartners through eighth-graders on one campus.
Various building, field and parking configurations — along with their selling points and pitfalls — for the 22-acre site in Del Sur were shown on Sept. 29 to participants at the conclusion of a three-day design symposium the district held to start creating its 39th campus. 
For now, planners will explore configurations for five two-story villages surrounding an administration building, multipurpose facility and perhaps an open-air gym. The villages could accommodate 150 students per floor that would each have five classrooms sharing a collaboration area and lab space. Lower levels could have adjacent outdoor areas or yards and upper levels have decks and balconies. In all, the campus could accommodate 1,500 students, with space to build additional villages if needed.
The school is tentatively set to open in August 2014 to serve Black Mountain Ranch’s Del Sur community and perhaps the west side of 4S Ranch. It will relieve an ever-growing student population at Del Sur, Monterey Ridge and Stone Ranch elementary schools and Oak Valley Middle School.
Del Sur development plans call for new housing and a town center west of the new campus that is bordered by Camino del Norte to the north, Lone Quail Drive to the east and Del Norte High to the south.
There is interest for a health and fitness focus, but not one created around sports, and talk of a community garden with crops incorporated into meals served on campus.
Other features receiving support are synthetic turf fields, separate student drop-off locations for buses and parents, and architectural features that create a campus identity when viewed from community roadways.
“We really believe we can solve a lot of issues with good, solid planning,” Baker said.
Tarantino called the initial plans “dramatic” and “awesome.”
A budget has yet to be determined, but Tarantino said the school will be financed through the community facility district.
“We have the means to fund this without affecting the general fund or waiting for state (money),” he said.

 Principal Sonya Wrisley

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Watermark June 7-8 Release 给决心填表的你们

对watermark下次release的价格, 我上一次release之后就估了1.2 (Plan 3)还是蛮准的。

Sales office第一次发出了一个价格清单, 是1.18, 第二天就发出了道歉信。 说发错了。 估计是内部定价讨论了一下, take the bet of the hot market, 又涨价了。 尴尬啊尴尬。而且这次Release还是来填表, 内部决定。 不公开。 只是你不买也一定来来办公室defer。 Builder牛了, 地少人多, 分不过来。 他咋说,你就得招办。

物以稀为贵。 新房, 好学区, 户型不错。 附近接地气儿。 买的人还是会乌泱乌泱的。 利息涨了不要紧, 4.25% 还是低。 现在就只能往前看了。

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


最近的房市不用我说大家也知道有多crazy, 已经可以说是insane了。

每一个房子都有一个story, how bidding war started and heated up... 我这几天和我的几个loan officer聊天,还有一个估价师聊天,他们都觉得这个市场不是很正常。 但是who cares, lowest inventory + 急需房子的buyers。

所谓市场, just a pool of buyers and a pool of sellers, 达到某种平衡。 现在是严重失调。

我有太多的故事可以说说。 不可思议的, 有趣的, 峰回路转的, 绝望的,幸福的...

祝那些赢得bidding war的buyer, 房市能可持续的增长。

没有买到的buyer, 也许福气在后面。

总之, 仁者见仁,智者见智, 过了暑假形势自然明朗。

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Be a Stickler

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Alta Del Mar

看了preview, 人非常的多。 第一次从Carmel Mountain Rd过去的, 以前都是从Carmel Country上去的。 这次就感觉非常不好了, Power lines on the east side of the bridge...非常的显眼, 不是,是刺眼。 440的HOA, it's going to be gated community. $2200的Mello Roos. 4个Floorplan, 建成了3个, 一个我们最期待的平房, 2个是2 level的, 先说这个Alta Del Mar的设计师, 他去过中国很多的城市,北京上海杭州深圳, 去过8次, 设计过不少房子, 他自己也学了不少风水的理念。 不过哩,这个平房是前门大冲后门的。 你懂得。 而且family room根本没有办法摆沙发。 Plan3, 一开门就看到楼梯旋上去。 进门处就比较局促了。 plan 4, 不错, 没有明显的硬伤。 价格开的比原预期的贵。 第一期9个房子, 一个在大门口,一个在大门对面。 剩下的有view的lot就都快上2米了。 看图说话~

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



公认的最好的,噹噹噹!Mission Bay Montesori

400个学生,PreK(3岁-6年纪), 有中文课,中文老师还是我客户呢,呵呵。 听说这个学校已经被来自三藩的中国人买了。 


My son graduated from MBMA, attended a top middle/high school and graduated with a 100% college acceptance rate. I was so impressed by his education at MBMA that I went on to become a montessori teacher. He received one of the finest educational foundations, and as his parents, we built upon it. Education is important to us. Mission Bay offers a well-rounded education at a favorable cost. The school offers advanced academics, mulitple foreign languages, band, and fine art classes. As an educator, I do not know of many programs in San Diego that have an award winning science program and a gold star level band program. After school programs range from robotics,youth karate, yoga, Chinese class, tennis lessons, and chess. Almost every child in school is enrolled in band. This school is doing a lot of things right! Perhaps it is not for every student; the academic program is challenging. It has educated many students who have gone on to attend some of the finest universities in the country. I know from personal experience that teachers address learning challenges early in the school year with goal setting conferences. It is an excellent school. Go on a tour and see. 

This is a wonderful school with rigorous academics and a rich curriculum. The teachers are very kind and loving but firm and expect a lot from the kids. The elementary school stays true to Montessori philosophy that learning is an individual endeavor rather than a group activity. Unit work is taught in a more traditional, group setting while reading and math are more one on one, especially in the lower grades. The student to teacher ratio is very good - often a 1:5 ratio due to how the childrens' day is structured. If you are considering this school, you have to see beyond the exterior; there is no beautiful landscaping or state of the art facilities. The beauty of the school is the educational program itself. 


位置在Mission Bay/La Jolla/UTC

第二家不错的是~Del Mar Pines

小,才150个学生。 学费$12,750

位于 Carmel Valley


The Rhoades 

300个学生, 在Encinitas

K 到12 的,是基督教会学校  - Santa Fe Christian 

也是k -12. 教会学校。 


La Jolla Country Day School

非常的有名,是K-12的。 现在的校舍很气派,(以前比较旧,现在拿到很多的funding).  我有好几个韩国客户都是把小孩子送这里。 tradition家里都是自己开公司的。

学费Half-day Nursery: $13,280Full-day Nursery 16,600and Half-day Jr K: $14,105 Full-day $17,631Kindergarten- grade 4: $23,950 Grades 5 - 8: $27,282 Grades 9-12 27,591

La Jolla 法国学校

法国人开的, 第二外语是法语

学费Pre-K0 - $14,250 + 700 fees PK1,PK2 & K & 1-5th: 13,250 + 700 fees 6th - 8th: 14,250 + 900 fees



为什么上私校?加州的公立,上到好学区里面已经很好了。 私校真的有必要吗?

一年3万块左右,首先很多人是不能负担的。 所以自然这个选择就排除了。 


私校的设施好,环境优美这些硬件就不用说了。最重要的就是私校对于孩子的教育是比较量体裁衣。 老师对学生的比例是1:10左右。  老师的质量和水平高。 老师没有两把刷子,在私校要被家长布鲁下去的。 学生对老师的教学的反应有地方去说。 老师的态度是激励学生对学习和科学的兴趣。 

其次,私校的小scale, 对于孩子自信心和个性的培养肯定是有好处的。 私校走一圈下来接触到的学生都很阳光,也有教养,友好。 气质和公立的大部分学生截然不同。 学生人数少,课外辅导参加各种竞赛和课外小组的机会多。露脸的机会多慢慢就自信了。 另外,私校对于学生的文科,阅读和写作都相当的重视。

最后,私校和一些好大学都有良好的connection, 对学生上大学都有4年计划,指导性强。私校花大钱雇佣专业人士帮助学生申请大学。 这些人都很有经验,帮学生确定方向和如何写申请。 

在私校家长的connection也更strong, 会定期有不少的活动强。 

总之,私立还是公立, 大家总结的是 - 私校=保底不封顶  公校 = Sink or Swim

Thursday, January 3, 2013

43 Best Websites For Furniture, Home Goods And Decor

1. Ballard Design: Although this line has a traditional feel, there's something for everyone. And you can choose between hundreds of fab fabrics for upholstered pieces.
2. Jonathan Adler: This cheeky potter has expanded to colorful furniture, lighting, accessories and even fashion -- and it's all available online.
3. C. Wonder: One of our favorite resources for affordable, preppy pieces with a dose of color.
4. One Kings Lane: The king of of decor flash sale sights, this one specializes in amazing vintage finds, too.
5. Fab: One of the newer flash sale sites, this one focuses on more up-and-coming brands.
6. Anthropologie: This fashion retailer also has quirky kitchen gadgets, bedding, accessories and furniture -- but prices can be steep.
7. My Habit: Owned by, this flash sale site has great deals.
8. Gilt Home: Get deals from hot designers and items that were curated from some of the best.
9. 1st Dibs: A designer's secret source for vintage and antiques for the home.
10. MoMa Store: A no-brainer for interesting and artful gifts crafted by notable designers.
11. H&M Home: Finally, this inexpensive fashion retailer is selling their awesome home pieces online in the U.S.
12. DwellStudio: Furniture, rugs and more with a chic midcentury vibe and cool prints.
13. Horchow: Neiman Marcus' decor site, we love browsing through designer furnishings and wait for their friends and family sale to pounce.
14. Poppin: The go-to source for bright colored desk accessories and organizational gear for a stylish office.
15. JCPenney: Yes, this department store's been around forever, but their newly launched housewares by Martha Stewart, Jonathan Adler, Terrance Conran and more are pretty amazing.
16. Circa Lighting: This Southern based company has curated the most beautiful pendants, sconces, chandeliers and more.
17. Pier1: For inexpensive pillows and candles tabletop and more with a worldly vibe, we always head here.
18. Target: Some of our favorite home designers, like Nate Berkus and Rachel Ashwell, have affordable and on-trend collections at this big box store.
19. Zara Home: Another fast fashion shop that sells housewares online, head here for trendy bedding, tableware and accessories.
20. Pieces: This Atlanta boutique with unique finds is accessible to everyone, thanks to this easy to shop site.
21. Room & Board: Known for the well-made sofas and seating, this store has everything you need for a modern home.
22. Urban Outfitters: You'd be surprised at the cool furniture, bedding and more you'll find at this hipster haunt. And it's surprisingly affordable!
23. John Derian: Well know for his decoupaged dishes, this NYC haunt's online shop has one-of-a-kind items from a group of interesting artists and designers.
24. Z Gallerie: Head to this online shop for posh and glamorous looking decor.
25. Joss & Main: This flash sale site often hooks up with current celebs and style mavens to curate housewares.
26. Design Public: Into modern design? This site's for you.
27. Wayfair: Looking to shop for everything, all at once? Try here for the largest assortment of brands and products.
28. Canvas: With a natural palette and rustic aesthetic, this site has it all, from bedding to furniture to great gifts.
29. Design Within Reach: This shop sells reproductions of classic midcentury designs plus other modern items, although anything here will be a bit of a splurge.
30. Crate And Barrel: For classic furnishings with modern lines, you really can't go wrong with anything from C&B.
31. West Elm: Always on trend, this shop under the Williams-Sonoma brand has an earthy, vintage look. Look out for great sales.
32. Overstock: A go-to source for everything under the sun, we'll check here first for great basics like bedding and lighting.
33. World Market: A huge selection of furniture and accessories with incredibly low price points.
34. CB2: Crate and Barrel's hip little sister, this store has everything you'll need for a modern home or apartment, and prices are very fair.
35. HauteLook: This flash sale website has a surprising selection of small accent furniture and accessories for low prices.
36. Thrive Furniture: Handcrafted midcentury furniture. It's pricey, but the value is evident.
37. Home Decorators Collection: Shockingly affordable pieces perfect for an apartment-dweller or starter home.
38. 2 Modern: Wide range of stylish designs with a clean-lined aesthetic.
39. Schoolhouse Electric Lighting: Great source for affordable pendants and more in a ton of colors with a funky retro look.
40. All Modern: Exactly what it sounds like, this site is perfect for those who want a home that rivals Don Draper's.
41. Blu Dot: Pricey, but well worth the cost for high-end modern designs.
42. Serena & Lily: With a sweet aesthetic and adorable kids' stuff, this is the place to find pretty lighting, bedding and more.
43. Apt 2B: This L.A. based site has a startup-y feel, but the curators definitely have an eye for style.