Thursday, August 30, 2012

4S Condos Lawsuit now!

In a rare move, the 4S Ranch Master Association filed suit against 4S Kelwood General Partnership, the developer of the commuinity west of Rancho Bernardo in unincorporated San Diego County. An executive for Kelwood said the suit focuses on trees and common area walls, but Realtors said its mere existence made lenders leery of giving mortgages, creating headaches for buyers.
Construction lawsuits are common in San Diego, but complaints from the master plan association are unusual because they cover so many more houses and condos.
Unlike for houses, lending documents on a condominium include a check box which indicates whether a construction defect lawsuit has been filed on the property. For many lenders, just seeing that box checked will cause them to deny a loan.
Some lenders will still give a loan, but they'll often require a much larger down payment, making it harder for a typical condo buyer to close the deal. When the pool of buyers for a property diminishes like that, prices can drop.
 "The lawsuit does not cover anything in the units in itself, it has to deal with common area improvements ---- walls and landscape." some of the street-side walls had cracked, and some of the trees had not done well in the 10 years since they'd been planted.
"It will create challenges for many people trying to create financing," 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hampton Lane Hottest Release in the summer

First of all, the price pretty much the same as last one.

Plan one (only 1) 699,500
Plan two 704,700
Plan Three 714,000

人太多了。 整个office人满为患。 我的客户幸运的拿到了最后一个,而且这个是她最想要的, 真正心想事成!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Home Prices Climb as Supply Dwindles

Home prices rose by their largest percentage in at least seven years during the second quarter, propelled by low inventories of properties for sale and high demand for bargain-priced foreclosures, according to two reports Tuesday.
Prices rose by 2.5% in June from a year ago, and by 6% from the previous quarter, said CoreLogic Inc., a Santa Ana, Calif., data firm. The quarterly jump was the largest since 2005.
Separately, Freddie Mac, which uses a different methodology, said home prices during the second quarter jumped by 4.8% from the previous quarter. That was the largest jump since 2004.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

市场quick update - Carmel Valley

昨天是CV pardee的新房new release, 去了得有50多人。 我有一个客户正好是从波士顿过来,才拿到这边的job offer. 看到这个场景吓坏了。 有2/3中国人在那边。 怎么都感觉到了国内的菜市场。 

8套不到10分钟都有了新主人。 很多人还没有等到叫上号就售迄了。 旧房也没有什么可以买的。 房荒啊。

何其幸运 - 上半年的总结

有那么多的好客户,有那么多的好朋友,我何其幸运。 希望也能把我的幸运带给他们!

2012年的上半年,我已经帮助18位客户买到了中意的房子,有一个是一个,各个儿拉出来都是好房子。 有很顺利的,也有九九81难的。 我为我自己的成绩骄傲,也为我的客户们高兴。

昨天和Pardee的sales聊天,确认了我是2011年Pardee新房卖出最多的agent, 名声在外,不能砸了牌子。

偷闲儿还要帮我的一些单身朋友介绍对象。这个是我的爱好。 今年so far介绍成一对儿,但愿他们有好结果。另外就是我过去的客户今年内有10几家生孩子的。 所以我也没少逛carters和gymboree。 有一对双胞胎boys, 还有一对龙凤胎哦。

我的博客每天的page view保持在30-70. 最近太忙了也没有catch up, 为了对得起读者,还要勤奋一些。 给我的Realtor生活也留个记录。