Tuesday, August 16, 2005
San Diego County Notice of Defaults and foreclosure
Below are some houses and condos that have been served notice of defaults (NODs). A notice of default is served to formally commence the pre-foreclosure period. With San Diego real estate prices being substantially higher than the national average, San Diegans look for a way to get a good value by way of purchasing pre-foreclosure or bank-owned properties. Another option for value-conscience condo and house buyers may also be short-sale properties. Short sales are properties that are being sold for less than the owners owe the lenders for them. Hence, the term “short” in short-sale. Though short sales can be bargains, prices are subject to lender-approval. Currently, home buyers can search on San Diego Houserebate’s website for short-sale properties.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
2、 选择东西的时候,最好都以方便为主,家里的衣服啊,用品啊。要耐脏好洗方便使用,过日子是过给自己舒服的,不是让外人来观赏的,所以,要自己舒服起来。
3、 然后就是做家务了,做家务想做的快,工具就一定要舍得购全,什么去污水,飘白水,什么玻璃水、消毒水之类的必备,这些东西会省去你很多时间。
4、 平日里养成随手放好东西的习惯,这一点需要家人配合,家人如果不配合,也行,把他乱放的东西丢到一个漂亮的装东西的专程的大盒子或者大柜子里,下次他要什么东西,自己去翻就行了,又不影响家的美观,也不花什么时间去浪费。
5、 换掉的衣服可以先放在一个专放脏衣服的蓝色的大框里,有盖的,就是那种超市里购的放东西的筐,卧室里有任何脏衣服袜子等之内的都丢在里面,积了一筐再倒到全自动洗衣机里去洗,不要没事就开洗衣机玩,浪费自己家钱事小,浪费水资源事大。
6、 不要在家里购什么跑步机之类的健身东东,都是一时心血来潮的杰作,真想运动,房外大把的场地,不用搞一个东西来占家里的空间上灰尘。
7、 一切的东西都是开始保护,好过破坏之后修补。
2、 选择东西的时候,最好都以方便为主,家里的衣服啊,用品啊。要耐脏好洗方便使用,过日子是过给自己舒服的,不是让外人来观赏的,所以,要自己舒服起来。
3、 然后就是做家务了,做家务想做的快,工具就一定要舍得购全,什么去污水,飘白水,什么玻璃水、消毒水之类的必备,这些东西会省去你很多时间。
4、 平日里养成随手放好东西的习惯,这一点需要家人配合,家人如果不配合,也行,把他乱放的东西丢到一个漂亮的装东西的专程的大盒子或者大柜子里,下次他要什么东西,自己去翻就行了,又不影响家的美观,也不花什么时间去浪费。
5、 换掉的衣服可以先放在一个专放脏衣服的蓝色的大框里,有盖的,就是那种超市里购的放东西的筐,卧室里有任何脏衣服袜子等之内的都丢在里面,积了一筐再倒到全自动洗衣机里去洗,不要没事就开洗衣机玩,浪费自己家钱事小,浪费水资源事大。
6、 不要在家里购什么跑步机之类的健身东东,都是一时心血来潮的杰作,真想运动,房外大把的场地,不用搞一个东西来占家里的空间上灰尘。
7、 一切的东西都是开始保护,好过破坏之后修补。
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Condo vs Townhouse vs PUD
Condominium - a form of collective ownership of real property. In a condominium, the individual property owners typically own the airspace within their own walls. The structures themselves, the land and the amenities built on the land, are owned in common with the other members of the association.
Townhouse - an architectural style; a dwelling characterized by two-story construction with a common wall or walls bordering neighboring dwellings. The common form of ownership is similar to a condominium project in that the property owner not only owns his or her respective unit, but also an undivided interest in any common area. Townhouse ownership sometimes differs from condominium ownership in that the townhouse owner owns the physical structure rather than just the airspace between the walls, floor and ceiling. However, in many areas "townhouse" now refers to the physical style of the structure rather than the form of ownership.
Planned Development (PD) - a planning and zoning term used to describe a subdivision in which the standard available zoning classifications do not apply. A master developer will, with the consent of the local governing authority, establish criteria for development of private and common area parcels specific to that subdivision. These may include special setback requirements, street lighting designs, street width standards, architectural styles, building height standards, land coverage ratios, common area park and amenity designs and the like. Planned unit developments are often used to cluster homes closer together than would otherwise be allowed by local zoning laws. Unlike in a condominium, individual property owners own the land underneath their homes.
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