Wednesday, July 30, 2014


家具从结构上分两类:casegoods and uphostery. casegood就是指木头结构并且大量木头外露的,象桌子,椅子,床,dresser等。uphostery则是需要在木头上面加布料包裹成形的,象沙发那些。我们现在要买的主要的casegoods,所以砖头主要是这方面的。
最开始唯一知道的是ENGLISH Dovetail.是一种木头连接的方法,看Drawer一定要看这个,最好是有,而且要作的比较精细。如果是靠螺丝拧在一起,不是件好事情噢。
还有就是Drawer的悬挂,好一点的会除了两边的side-hung还有中间的wood-on-wood central glide. 这样保证Drawer的运动非常流畅,重量分布均匀,好用且耐用。STICKLEY在这面很有特色,它家所有的都是这样作的,只要一个小手指头,拉住任何一边的PULL,都可以轻巧地拉出,不会偏移卡住。


圣地亚哥家具店最集中的地方在Miramar, Mission Bay 还有 San Marcus.
Miramar三脚架那个court里面的 Woodbridgeowner是一个在外州的台湾人, 他们家前身是 Treasures走高端路线, 结果倒闭了, 现在走中高档路线, carry 很多的牌子。 这家基本上是我的客户看来看去最后定下来去买家具的最多的一家店。 里面有很多所谓的室内设计师可以帮你设计, 到你家里量尺寸。   地址 7480 Miramar Rd. San Diego, CA 92126

Ranch Santa Fe LE DIMORA 也是carry 不少牌子。这个在RSF比较高大上, 进去转也没有人理你。 Yelp评分很低。不过东西好啊。 16089 San Dieguito Rd.    虽然东西很贵, 但是经常去淘也有惊喜啊。 有一次和朋友去淘到一个纯木的实实在在的一个大盆子, 有设计感的, 160.

位于Mission Bay 的现代家具店 Hold it, Contemporary 路线。 carry很多知名现代派家具品牌。

如果时间可以去乱逛逛的现代风格的还有Z Galaries, BoConceptCrate and BarrelLawrence, West Elm,


Greathouse, 主人是很年轻的,他老婆是设计师, 他们家也carry不少牌子。9050 Kenamar Drive  San Diego, CA 92121 7720 El Camino Real  Carlsbad, California, 92009
A newer company that is offering a tremendous amount of style and pizzazz for the money. Check them out.

Hancock & Moore
Very good product. Harden offers bedroom, dining and occasional furniture. A small company with good attention to quality. Priced at about Drexel. 
Upper-end company manufacturing mostly occasional furniture. They have an excellent desk program. Good quality. Priced near Drexel and
One of the top 10 producers of fine wood and upholstered furniture. Beautiful finishes, beautiful woodwork, beautiful design. If you own Hendredon, you own some of the very best.
Henkel Harris

Very high quality, solid wood furniture. Many traditional designs. Priced near the top.
Expensive and lush. Magnificent wood furniture. Perhaps the most opulent of the American manufacturers. Collectable. Very distinctive design and execution.
Oneof the great values in wood furniture in the United States. I believe Lexington gives you more bang for your buck than any other line in the country. Is it the best? No, but it may be the best value. Lexington is a consistent industry leader in style offerings.
Natuzzi Furniture Company

One of the world's biggest producers of leather upholstery. Perhaps some of the best-styled leather product to be found anywhere. I don't think it is the best quality but, for the money, you may not be able to do better.
Pennsylvania House Furniture Company
A consistent producer of good traditional wood furniture and upholstery. Long in the shadow of Ethan Allen, it deserves its own place in the sun. It would be a mistake to miss shopping this fine company.
Competes with Stanley but usually a little more dramatic in its presentation.

Stanley Furniture Company
Modestly-priced, often very excitingly-styled furniture. Excellent value, a good line for your first home. Usually priced below Lexington.
Stickley Furniture Company
The price mover behind the arts and crafts movement and still the force behind the mission style that is very big now. Stickley is what fine furniture-making is all about. Uncompromising quality and unquestioned status as one of the country's finest wood furniture producers. Expensive, but you will be glad to own a piece of Stickley.
Sumter Cabinet
Well-priced, solid wood line. Well put-together, although most designs are pretty basic. Very good value.
最开始唯一知道的是ENGLISH Dovetail.是一种木头连接的方法,看Drawer一定要看这个,最好是有,而且要作的比较精细。如果是靠螺丝拧在一起,不是件好事情噢。

还有就是Drawer的悬挂,好一点的会除了两边的side-hung还有中间的wood-on-wood central glide. 这样保证Drawer的运动非常流畅,重量分布均匀,好用且耐用。STICKLEY在这面很有特色,它家所有的都是这样作的,只要一个小手指头,拉住任何一边的PULL,都可以轻巧地拉出,不会偏移卡住。

1Assemble furniture 这类家具以木压板为主,可以在Target Ikea买到。一张床在几百刀可以搞定。
2Low end furniture. 这类家具是有品牌的,是用实木的,但不是很考究。但可以经久耐用了。诸如Ashley, Universal可以算这一类。一张床得1000 - 2000 刀了。
3Mid end furniture. 这类家具是用实木的, 做工也不错,Drawer应该是ENGLISH Dovetail的了。诸如EAThomasville,可以算这一类。 一张床得3000 - 7000 刀了。
4High End Furniture. 这就是所谓的顶级家具了.除了一般做工外,表面得有几十道工序的Finish.只有看过这类家具,才可以知道Mid end furniture的不足之处.诸如Henredon, Baker, Henkel Harris, Karges, EJ Victor,可以算这一类。 一张床就得一万刀以上了。 这类家具可以当成投资,可以传代了自从去年换房子以来,一直在看/买家具。个人喜欢的是Henredon Natchez系列。

去年新开的一家 Living Space 位于Mission Bay.  也值得一去。

大路货 Ashley, Mor, Jeremo
这几家店都各自有几家分店, Miramar都有。要淘偶尔有那么几件还不错的。 家具式样感觉就和农村合作社差不离。 味道很大 (胶水和油漆的味道), 曾经在Mor买过一个Queen Bed, 那个味道一年都散不掉。
原来在Woodbridge的设计师老太太 Tricy 去了这家, San MarcusMission Bay有店。 他们家的东西就是实打实的看起来正正方方, 没有特色。 但是做工和质量都不错。 

喜欢网购的小伙伴们, 你可以还去以下的网站看看:
1. Ballard Design: Although this line has a traditional feel, there's something for everyone. And you can choose between hundreds of fab fabrics for upholstered pieces.
2. Jonathan Adler: This cheeky potter has expanded to colorful furniture, lighting, accessories and even fashion -- and it's all available online.
3. C. Wonder: One of our favorite resources for affordable, preppy pieces with a dose of color.
4. One Kings Lane: The king of of decor flash sale sights, this one specializes in amazing vintage finds, too.
5. Fab: One of the newer flash sale sites, this one focuses on more up-and-coming brands.
6. Anthropologie: This fashion retailer also has quirky kitchen gadgets, bedding, accessories and furniture -- but prices can be steep.
7. My Habit: Owned by, this flash sale site has great deals.
8. Gilt Home: Get deals from hot designers and items that were curated from some of the best.
9. 1st Dibs: A designer's secret source for vintage and antiques for the home.
10. MoMa Store: A no-brainer for interesting and artful gifts crafted by notable designers.
11. H&M Home: Finally, this inexpensive fashion retailer is selling their awesome home pieces online in the U.S.
12. DwellStudio: Furniture, rugs and more with a chic midcentury vibe and cool prints.
13. Horchow: Neiman Marcus' decor site, we love browsing through designer furnishings and wait for their friends and family sale to pounce.
14. Poppin: The go-to source for bright colored desk accessories and organizational gear for a stylish office.
15. JCPenney: Yes, this department store's been around forever, but their newly launched housewares by Martha Stewart, Jonathan Adler, Terrance Conran and more are pretty amazing.
16. Circa Lighting: This Southern based company has curated the most beautiful pendants, sconces, chandeliers and more.
17. Pier1: For inexpensive pillows and candles tabletop and more with a worldly vibe, we always head here.
18. Target: Some of our favorite home designers, like Nate Berkus and Rachel Ashwell, have affordable and on-trend collections at this big box store.
19. Zara Home: Another fast fashion shop that sells housewares online, head here for trendy bedding, tableware and accessories.
20. Pieces: This Atlanta boutique with unique finds is accessible to everyone, thanks to this easy to shop site.
21. Room & Board: Known for the well-made sofas and seating, this store has everything you need for a modern home.
22. Urban Outfitters: You'd be surprised at the cool furniture, bedding and more you'll find at this hipster haunt. And it's surprisingly affordable!
23. John Derian: Well know for his decoupaged dishes, this NYC haunt's online shop has one-of-a-kind items from a group of interesting artists and designers.
24. Z Gallerie: Head to this online shop for posh and glamorous looking decor.
25. Joss & Main: This flash sale site often hooks up with current celebs and style mavens to curate housewares.
26. Design Public: Into modern design? This site's for you.
27. Wayfair: Looking to shop for everything, all at once? Try here for the largest assortment of brands and products.
28. Canvas: With a natural palette and rustic aesthetic, this site has it all, from bedding to furniture to great gifts.
29. Design Within Reach: This shop sells reproductions of classic midcentury designs plus other modern items, although anything here will be a bit of a splurge.
30. Crate And Barrel: For classic furnishings with modern lines, you really can't go wrong with anything from C&B.
31. West Elm: Always on trend, this shop under the Williams-Sonoma brand has an earthy, vintage look. Look out for great sales.
32. Overstock: A go-to source for everything under the sun, we'll check here first for great basics like bedding and lighting.
33. World Market: A huge selection of furniture and accessories with incredibly low price points.
34. CB2: Crate and Barrel's hip little sister, this store has everything you'll need for a modern home or apartment, and prices are very fair.
35. HauteLook: This flash sale website has a surprising selection of small accent furniture and accessories for low prices.
36. Thrive Furniture: Handcrafted midcentury furniture. It's pricey, but the value is evident.
37. Home Decorators Collection: Shockingly affordable pieces perfect for an apartment-dweller or starter home.
38. 2 Modern: Wide range of stylish designs with a clean-lined aesthetic.
39. Schoolhouse Electric Lighting: Great source for affordable pendants and more in a ton of colors with a funky retro look.
40. All Modern: Exactly what it sounds like, this site is perfect for those who want a home that rivals Don Draper's.
41. Blu Dot: Pricey, but well worth the cost for high-end modern designs.
42. Serena & Lily: With a sweet aesthetic and adorable kids' stuff, this is the place to find pretty lighting, bedding and more.

这家没有自己的独立的店, Woodbridge                    carry他们家。 顺便说, 好的家具牌子都分collection, 这样比较容易统一风格。
Its best collections are as good as it gets. A big lineup of product from modest to expensive. I always consider Drexel the point where price and value meet. Pay more and you get more glitter, but not more value. Pay less and you really are getting less. The Heritage product is as good as it gets. Heritage competes directly with Century and Henredon.
E.J. Victor
Relatively new, but immediately a leading contender for inclusion in our top 10 producers of the very finest wood product and upholstery product. Simply magnificent furniture. You will only find it displayed in your area's finest stores. Expensive, but well worth it.
Ethan Allen
这家在大华, San Marcus还有Mission Bay都有。 交货期比较长。
Ferguson Copeland

这家Woodbridg carry
很多的online furniture store也都有。 价格中档



Marge Carson
Distinctive and outstanding producer of fine contemporary wood and upholstered furniture. Some of the most pleasing contemporary designs produced in the U.S. come out of this company. Beautiful finishes that few other producers even attempt. If you are after a look for today and can indulge yourself, you must take a look at Marge Carson. This producer has had a heavy impact on upper-end furnture styles in the U.S. Priced at the Henredon/Heritage level.


Pottery Barn

Restoration Hardware
风格是那种 reclaimed wood, bold,