Sunday, February 25, 2018

圣地亚哥的豪宅大区 蓝桥圣菲 Rancho Santa Fe

Rancho Santa Fe, 是一个很神奇的地方, 如果你沿着这个区的边界的路开车, 完全都看不到里面的情形。 可以说是一个真正的世外桃源。就算进到了蓝桥圣菲的里面沿着弯弯延延的小路沿途开去, 也很难窥见里面的万一。 每个房子的私密性都得到充分的保障。 茂密的植被和诗情画意的田园风光, 加之圣地亚哥四季如春的气候,吸引诸多的名人包括退役的体育明星, 好莱坞明星, 摇滚乐队主唱, 还有政界, 商界的大佬都喜欢在这里定居。 最著名的名人莫过于比尔盖茨, 他的度假屋在Del Mar Country Club, 对面就是他在2014年为了女儿购买的占地229亩的马场。蓝桥圣菲仍然保留了不少的马场, 不过这家是最大的了。

其他比较知名的还有很多公司的CEO包括麦当劳的创始人 Ray Kroc 还有Jenny Craig, 美国政界有Randy Cummingham (前国会议员), 投资大佬 T. Boone Pickens。还有众多的体育明星包括著名的高尔夫player Phil Mickelson, 前网球世界冠军耶莱娜杨科维奇(Serbian Professional Tennis Player, Former Number #1)和Charlie Pasarell, Jud Buechler(NBA冠军),Steve Finley(棒球明星)以及LA Lakers, Dodgers的球星。

还有很多的明星比如麦克杰克逊的妹妹珍妮杰克逊,老牌好莱坞明星Crosby, 还有出演Will and Grace的Geena David,老鹰乐队的吉他手,Beach Boy的主唱。

Complete list --

Rick Aguilera, former major league baseball player
Marshall Applewhite, Heaven’s Gate leader
Jackson D. Arnold, retired Admiral, USN
Bob Baker, Automobile retail magnate with a chain of car dealerships throughout the West selling the spectrum of makes and models
Douglas Barnhart, PETCO Park Builder.
Warren Barton, former English football player
Bud Black, former major league pitcher from 1981–1995, Pitching Coach for Anaheim Angels 2000-2006, Manager of the San Diego Padres, 2007–present
George Brent, Actor lived on west side of Rambla De Las Flores just south of La Orilla in the late 50’s early 60’s.
Jud Buechler, Former NBA player and champion
Clair Burgener, local politician
Joseph Coors, of the Coors brewery family and co-founder of the Heritage Foundation
Jenny Craig (entrepreneur), weight loss guru and founder of Jenny Craig Inc.
Bing Crosby, Actor, Entertainer lived on Via De La Valle near North end of Whispering Palms Golf Course.
Geena Davis, actress
Randy “Duke” Cunningham, former Congressman, currently an inmate at the U.S. Penitentiary at Tucson, Arizona
Tom DeLonge, guitarist and vocalist of the bands Blink-182, Angels & Airwaves, and Box Car Racer ; owner of Macbeth Footwear and Modlife
Douglas Fairbanks, Actor, Owned land El Zorro Ranch, East of San Dieguito Road, Built a 15 Bedroom home with swimming pool and Two Door Garage capable of parking 5 cars in each stall under the house.
Steve Finley, former major league baseball player
Steven Ford, former U.S. President Gerald Ford’s son
Sidney Frank, liquor promotions billionaire
Robert Frimtzis, Holocaust survivor and engineer for the Apollo space program
Bill Gates, American entrepreneur, software executive, philanthropist and chairman of Microsoft owns a home here, although his main residence is in Medina, Washington.
David Gates, musician, songwriter, member of 70’s group Bread
Marshall Goldsmith, noted executive coach and management guru, best-selling author
Bear Grylls, Man Vs. Wild Star
Trevor Hoffman, former major league baseball pitcher with second most saves in MLB history
Howard Hughes, Lived in Rancho Santa Fe in the home of one of the Heddon brothers of The Heddon Fishing Lures and Reels Company, in the 60’s until he moved to the Las Vegas’ Desert Inn Hotel-Casino
Janet Jackson, singer and performer
Richard Jefferson, Current NBA player for the San Antonio Spurs
I.K. Kim, golfer. Winner of three LPGA Tour events
Steve Kerr, NBA player and former Phoenix Suns GM.
Ewing Mitchell, Actor, Sheriff on “The Sky King” show lived on La Sencilla until his death.
John Moores, philanthropist, former owner of the San Diego Padres and a regent of the University of California
Juice Newton, singer
Jean Peters, Actress, lived in Rancho Santa Fe while married to Howard Hughes.
T. Boone Pickens, investor.
Lilian Jennette Rice, architect and designer of Rancho Santa Fe, deceased
Pete Rozelle, former commissioner of the NFL
Brian Tracy, self-help author, motivational speaker, and chairman of Brian Tracy International
Joe Walsh, guitarist for The Eagles band
Luke Walton, NBA player for the Los Angeles Lakers
David Wells, former major league baseball pitcher with Los Angeles Dodgers, Boston Red Sox, N.Y. Yankees and San Diego Padres
Shaun White, Olympic gold medalist, professional snowboarder/skateboarder
Jane Wyatt, Actress, lived on Las Planideras in the late 60’s.
Robert Young, Actor, Lived north of Paseo Delicias just east of the Town Center.
Steve Yuhas, television personality and radio talk show host on KOGOradio.
Jewel Kilcher, professionally known as Jewel, singer-songwriter, guitarist, producer; recipient of four Grammy Award nominations
Jelena Jankovic, Serbian professional tennis player, former number 1
Charlie Pasarell, is a former Puerto Rican tennis player and commentator
Gary Kremen, founder of and[24]
Joan Kroc, philanthropist and widow of McDonald’s founder Ray Kroc
Arthur Laffer, Reaganomics collaborator and coiner of the term “voodoo economics
Jim Lampley, sports commentator
Mark Loretta, former major league baseball player
Victor Mature, American leading man – long term resident who died in Rancho Santa Fe in 1999.
Kirk McCaskill, former major league baseball pitcher, 1985–1996
Jack McDowell, former major league baseball pitcher 1987-1999, 1993 Cy Young Award Winner