今天股票涨了, 大家都乐了。 联储出来了, 布什出来了。
Let's just wait and see.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
今天看了NHK拍的《激流中国。 不要先急着说小日本拍的东西一定丑化中国的,毕竟是记录了中国媒体不能展示的东西,相当值得一看的。 (这个documentary series 其实是NHK里面一个中国人拍的。but he doesn't get credit) 这个片子是今年拍的,国内早就传遍了。 在美国反而什么都后知后觉。很多人看这个纪录片都是含泪看的。我也不例外。 大概半年前还看过一个BBC拍的《China》也是一样很感动也很难受。
辛酸。 当我们都在美国为生活奔波的时候, 可能你根本不可能为你的国家做任何事情。 但至少你可以做的, 是关注。
辛酸。 当我们都在美国为生活奔波的时候, 可能你根本不可能为你的国家做任何事情。 但至少你可以做的, 是关注。
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Second Quarter Home Prices Fall, More Expected in Coming Months
Second Quarter Home prices fall record 3.2% nationally, San Diego: -7.3%
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- U.S. home prices fell at a faster rate in the second quarter, down 3.2% compared with the same period in 2006, Standard & Poor's reported Tuesday.
It marked the largest year-over-year decline ever recorded in the 20-year history of the Case-Shiller home price index. A year ago, home prices were rising at a 7.5% pace nationally.
In an interview with MarketWatch, Shiller noted that the figures were for activity ending in June -- well before the more recent blowup in the mortgage markets.
"We are fast approaching the rate of price decline seen at the end of the 1990-91 recession, and the odds strongly favor blowing past this mark in coming months," wrote Joshua Shapiro, chief economist for MFR Inc. "With supply overhang growing and mortgage financing tougher to obtain, home prices are going to soften considerably further in the quarters ahead."
Cities covered by the Case-Shiller index, ranked from worst to best:
Detroit, down 11%: Tampa, Fla., down 7.7%; San Diego, down 7.3%; Washington, down 7%; Phoenix, down 6.6%; Las Vegas, down 5.1%; Miami, down 4.8%; Los Angeles, down 4.1%; San Francisco, down 4%; Minneapolis, down 3.8%; Boston, down 3.7%; Cleveland, down 3.6%; New York, down 3.4%; Denver, down 1%; Chicago, down 0.7%; Atlanta, up 1.6%; Dallas, up 1.6%; Portland, Ore., up 4.5%; Charlotte, N.C., up 6.8%; and Seattle, up 7.9%.
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- U.S. home prices fell at a faster rate in the second quarter, down 3.2% compared with the same period in 2006, Standard & Poor's reported Tuesday.
It marked the largest year-over-year decline ever recorded in the 20-year history of the Case-Shiller home price index. A year ago, home prices were rising at a 7.5% pace nationally.
In an interview with MarketWatch, Shiller noted that the figures were for activity ending in June -- well before the more recent blowup in the mortgage markets.
"We are fast approaching the rate of price decline seen at the end of the 1990-91 recession, and the odds strongly favor blowing past this mark in coming months," wrote Joshua Shapiro, chief economist for MFR Inc. "With supply overhang growing and mortgage financing tougher to obtain, home prices are going to soften considerably further in the quarters ahead."
Cities covered by the Case-Shiller index, ranked from worst to best:
Detroit, down 11%: Tampa, Fla., down 7.7%; San Diego, down 7.3%; Washington, down 7%; Phoenix, down 6.6%; Las Vegas, down 5.1%; Miami, down 4.8%; Los Angeles, down 4.1%; San Francisco, down 4%; Minneapolis, down 3.8%; Boston, down 3.7%; Cleveland, down 3.6%; New York, down 3.4%; Denver, down 1%; Chicago, down 0.7%; Atlanta, up 1.6%; Dallas, up 1.6%; Portland, Ore., up 4.5%; Charlotte, N.C., up 6.8%; and Seattle, up 7.9%.
美国次贷危机,夏天小菜一碟 (zhuan)
Analysts are giving all kinds of advice/comments toward the current situation.
Here is a good article which is really intersting. My thoughts ~ all these conclusions got one assumption: job market remains still.
此次美国的次贷危机,除了大陆这个金融怪胎,全世界的股市都在跟进,牵连了世界主要的资本国家,更有专家大声警告小心 70-80-90 年代的全球金融大危机要降临了!可是我为什么说它们是夏天的清凉小菜一碟呢? 危机,就必有大损失,没有大失,何来危机!
1. 次贷在美国的房贷市场中,从 1995 年 650 亿的 9% 佔有率,到去年的 6000 亿的 20% 佔有率,换句话说,三万亿的房贷中,只有五分之一是次贷贡献的。美国 GDP 去年在 13 万亿左右。
2. 这 6000 亿的次贷,以平均 20 万一套房价,应该大概有 300 万户,但实际统计在 200 万户,也就是只牵扯到 4000 亿资金。而且美国的实际房产,目前状况只是不涨,小跌一点点而已,毕竟房产尚在,不象股票大危机出现的现象。
3. 4000 亿的概念( 6000 亿也罢),对美国几十万亿的金融市场来说,可不是小菜一碟吗!历来的全球金融风暴,不都是以几万亿,十几万亿的损失来收场的吗!
4. 如果这 4000 亿的次贷全部成了呆帐,也不会象股灾一样化为虚有,而是都变成了实实在在的房产!美国的房产周期,应在 10 年以上。房产涨幅超过通货膨胀率,还可以出租。 4000 亿的次贷,绝对一分钱也賠不了!有趣的是,这 4000 亿的次贷,可能有一半以上被外国资本所购! 这就是我为什么说,次贷危机对美国是小菜一碟呢。在金融游戏里,美国也是无人能比的老大哥。
5. 活钱变成了不动产的房产,即使不赔钱,也等于掐住了金融界的七寸!没有活钱去转,金融界不死才怪呢。所以美国联储也祭出了双刃上方宝箭:降息和注资,不象以往都是单枪匹马去救驾。美国不到 1000 亿的注资(到 8/21 为 975 亿),也告诉了百姓,其他 3000 亿的次贷,都已转移到外资手中,全靠几年来,华尔街的 信贷评级机构(罪魁祸首),给这些次贷公司冠扣上了 a 级, aa 级的乌纱帽!这不,世界上的主要金融大国,不都在积极赶印钞票吗! 6. 降息是让优质的房贷更好更快地进行,是恢复美国房市的强心剂。联储手中的余地还大着呢,这不也在向几个月前的中国学习,将贷款和存贷利率反向拉开吗。房贷低,有利房产复苏;存率其它商业贷率高,有利抑止通货膨胀。美国又是首屈一指的移民大国,一两百万件的次贷房产,开开后门,光大陆的款爷还不够分的呢,又能降低贸易赤字,还是一把双刃箭。 7. 这 200 万“次贷”的百姓,有多少是属于投资性质( ARM )和挺不过难关的?本来他们从投资一开始,就过着山顶洞人的生活,停止付款后,无债一身轻,生活和消费都会成倍好起来,只能增加消费量。破产对他们无济于事,投资房子被收走,也不等于失业,白交了几年学费。至于大众的消费信心和指数,政府能象我这样,公开损失真相,罚办几个信贷评级机构的头头和改组一下,再给那些资金被冻结 的外资财团(外国政府已经向他们注资了)一点优惠政策,就全搞定了。 8. 道琼指数,以往大部分年景,是夏季比圣诞节要低 10% 左右,是那些佔主流的保守资金,赚钱的法宝。可是今年夏初就是降不下来,年底圣诞节还能冲到哪里去?次贷毛病去年就显出来了,三月份,涉案公司就损失惨重,对市场没有太大的影响。 4000 亿变成不动产,不算什么危机! 于是乎,华尔街一阵紧锣密鼓,拿次贷说事,道琼就跌了 10% ,所以我说是“夏天的”清凉小菜一碟!不过这盘小菜也太贵了些。华尔街的次贷游戏,快该收场了,秋天不是又要来了吗。秋至满山多秀色,夏来无处不炎酷!
Here is a good article which is really intersting. My thoughts ~ all these conclusions got one assumption: job market remains still.
此次美国的次贷危机,除了大陆这个金融怪胎,全世界的股市都在跟进,牵连了世界主要的资本国家,更有专家大声警告小心 70-80-90 年代的全球金融大危机要降临了!可是我为什么说它们是夏天的清凉小菜一碟呢? 危机,就必有大损失,没有大失,何来危机!
1. 次贷在美国的房贷市场中,从 1995 年 650 亿的 9% 佔有率,到去年的 6000 亿的 20% 佔有率,换句话说,三万亿的房贷中,只有五分之一是次贷贡献的。美国 GDP 去年在 13 万亿左右。
2. 这 6000 亿的次贷,以平均 20 万一套房价,应该大概有 300 万户,但实际统计在 200 万户,也就是只牵扯到 4000 亿资金。而且美国的实际房产,目前状况只是不涨,小跌一点点而已,毕竟房产尚在,不象股票大危机出现的现象。
3. 4000 亿的概念( 6000 亿也罢),对美国几十万亿的金融市场来说,可不是小菜一碟吗!历来的全球金融风暴,不都是以几万亿,十几万亿的损失来收场的吗!
4. 如果这 4000 亿的次贷全部成了呆帐,也不会象股灾一样化为虚有,而是都变成了实实在在的房产!美国的房产周期,应在 10 年以上。房产涨幅超过通货膨胀率,还可以出租。 4000 亿的次贷,绝对一分钱也賠不了!有趣的是,这 4000 亿的次贷,可能有一半以上被外国资本所购! 这就是我为什么说,次贷危机对美国是小菜一碟呢。在金融游戏里,美国也是无人能比的老大哥。
5. 活钱变成了不动产的房产,即使不赔钱,也等于掐住了金融界的七寸!没有活钱去转,金融界不死才怪呢。所以美国联储也祭出了双刃上方宝箭:降息和注资,不象以往都是单枪匹马去救驾。美国不到 1000 亿的注资(到 8/21 为 975 亿),也告诉了百姓,其他 3000 亿的次贷,都已转移到外资手中,全靠几年来,华尔街的 信贷评级机构(罪魁祸首),给这些次贷公司冠扣上了 a 级, aa 级的乌纱帽!这不,世界上的主要金融大国,不都在积极赶印钞票吗! 6. 降息是让优质的房贷更好更快地进行,是恢复美国房市的强心剂。联储手中的余地还大着呢,这不也在向几个月前的中国学习,将贷款和存贷利率反向拉开吗。房贷低,有利房产复苏;存率其它商业贷率高,有利抑止通货膨胀。美国又是首屈一指的移民大国,一两百万件的次贷房产,开开后门,光大陆的款爷还不够分的呢,又能降低贸易赤字,还是一把双刃箭。 7. 这 200 万“次贷”的百姓,有多少是属于投资性质( ARM )和挺不过难关的?本来他们从投资一开始,就过着山顶洞人的生活,停止付款后,无债一身轻,生活和消费都会成倍好起来,只能增加消费量。破产对他们无济于事,投资房子被收走,也不等于失业,白交了几年学费。至于大众的消费信心和指数,政府能象我这样,公开损失真相,罚办几个信贷评级机构的头头和改组一下,再给那些资金被冻结 的外资财团(外国政府已经向他们注资了)一点优惠政策,就全搞定了。 8. 道琼指数,以往大部分年景,是夏季比圣诞节要低 10% 左右,是那些佔主流的保守资金,赚钱的法宝。可是今年夏初就是降不下来,年底圣诞节还能冲到哪里去?次贷毛病去年就显出来了,三月份,涉案公司就损失惨重,对市场没有太大的影响。 4000 亿变成不动产,不算什么危机! 于是乎,华尔街一阵紧锣密鼓,拿次贷说事,道琼就跌了 10% ,所以我说是“夏天的”清凉小菜一碟!不过这盘小菜也太贵了些。华尔街的次贷游戏,快该收场了,秋天不是又要来了吗。秋至满山多秀色,夏来无处不炎酷!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Farmers' Markets?
Coronado - 2:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Old Ferry Landing at First St and B Ave
Escondido - 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. (4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Summer)
Grand Ave between Juniper and Kalmia St
Website: http://www.downtownescondido.com/events/farmers_market
UCSD/La Jolla - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (September thru June)
UCSD Price Center near the bookstore at Lyman Lane and Library Walk
Carlsbad - 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Roosevelt St between Grand Ave and Carlsbad Village Dr
Website: www.shopcarlsbadvillage.org/events/farmersmarket.html
Ocean Beach - 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. (4:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Summer)
4900 block of Newport Ave between Cable St and Bacon St
Temecula - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Promenade Mall accross from Edwards Theatres
Website: http://www.temeculainformation.com/farmersmarket/Farmers_Market.htm
Chula Vista - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. (3:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Summer)
Downtown Chula Vista at Center St and Third Ave
Horton Square/San Diego - 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (March thru October)
Downtown San Diego at 225 Broadway and Broadway Circle
North Park - 3:00 p.m. to Sunset
CVS Pharmacy parking lot at University and 32nd St
Oceanside - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Coast Hwy and Pier View Way
Oceanside - 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Tremont and Pier View Way
Tierrasanta - 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.
De Portola Middle School at 11010 Clairemont Mesa Blvd and Santo Rd
Borrego Springs - 7:00 a.m. to Noon (November thru June)
Christmas Circle Community Park at Christmas Circle and Palm Canyon Dr
La Mesa - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
8300 block of Allison Ave east of Spring St
Rancho Bernardo - 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Bernardo Winery parking lot at 13330 Paseo del Verano Norte
Carlsbad - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Roosevelt St between Grand Ave and Carlsbad Village Dr
Website: www.shopcarlsbadvillage.org/events/farmersmarket.html
Del Mar - 1:00 to 4:00 p.m
City hall parking lot at Camino Del Mar between 10th St and 11th St
Pacific Beach - 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Promenade Mall on Mission Blvd between Reed and Pacific Beach Blvd
Poway - 8:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Old Poway Park at Midland Rd and Temple
Scripps Ranch - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School at Scripps Poway Parkway and Spring Canyon Rd
Website: http://www.scrippsranchfarmersmarket.com/
Temecula - 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Old Town Temecula at 6th and Front Street
Vista - 7:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
City hall parking lot at Eucalyptus Ave and Escondido Ave
Hillcrest - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
DMV parking lot at 3960 Normal St and Lincoln St
La Jolla - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
La Jolla Elementary School at Girard Ave and Genter
Website: http://www.lajollamarket.com/
Leucadia/Encinitas - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Paul Ecke Elementary at Union St and Vulcan St
Third Avenue/San Diego - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Downtown San Diego at Third Ave and J St
Coronado - 2:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Old Ferry Landing at First St and B Ave
Escondido - 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. (4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Summer)
Grand Ave between Juniper and Kalmia St
Website: http://www.downtownescondido.com/events/farmers_market
UCSD/La Jolla - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (September thru June)
UCSD Price Center near the bookstore at Lyman Lane and Library Walk
Carlsbad - 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Roosevelt St between Grand Ave and Carlsbad Village Dr
Website: www.shopcarlsbadvillage.org/events/farmersmarket.html
Ocean Beach - 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. (4:00 to 8:00 p.m. in Summer)
4900 block of Newport Ave between Cable St and Bacon St
Temecula - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Promenade Mall accross from Edwards Theatres
Website: http://www.temeculainformation.com/farmersmarket/Farmers_Market.htm
Chula Vista - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. (3:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Summer)
Downtown Chula Vista at Center St and Third Ave
Horton Square/San Diego - 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (March thru October)
Downtown San Diego at 225 Broadway and Broadway Circle
North Park - 3:00 p.m. to Sunset
CVS Pharmacy parking lot at University and 32nd St
Oceanside - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Coast Hwy and Pier View Way
Oceanside - 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Tremont and Pier View Way
Tierrasanta - 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.
De Portola Middle School at 11010 Clairemont Mesa Blvd and Santo Rd
Borrego Springs - 7:00 a.m. to Noon (November thru June)
Christmas Circle Community Park at Christmas Circle and Palm Canyon Dr
La Mesa - 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
8300 block of Allison Ave east of Spring St
Rancho Bernardo - 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Bernardo Winery parking lot at 13330 Paseo del Verano Norte
Carlsbad - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Roosevelt St between Grand Ave and Carlsbad Village Dr
Website: www.shopcarlsbadvillage.org/events/farmersmarket.html
Del Mar - 1:00 to 4:00 p.m
City hall parking lot at Camino Del Mar between 10th St and 11th St
Pacific Beach - 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Promenade Mall on Mission Blvd between Reed and Pacific Beach Blvd
Poway - 8:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Old Poway Park at Midland Rd and Temple
Scripps Ranch - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Ellen Browning Scripps Elementary School at Scripps Poway Parkway and Spring Canyon Rd
Website: http://www.scrippsranchfarmersmarket.com/
Temecula - 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Old Town Temecula at 6th and Front Street
Vista - 7:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
City hall parking lot at Eucalyptus Ave and Escondido Ave
Hillcrest - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
DMV parking lot at 3960 Normal St and Lincoln St
La Jolla - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
La Jolla Elementary School at Girard Ave and Genter
Website: http://www.lajollamarket.com/
Leucadia/Encinitas - 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Paul Ecke Elementary at Union St and Vulcan St
Third Avenue/San Diego - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Downtown San Diego at Third Ave and J St
Friday, August 24, 2007
Past weeks mortgage market has been a real mess.
一家家的贷款公司都要么关门大吉, 要么就提高要求, 要么就裁雇员。。。每天一读财经新闻就心慌慌啊。 到上周五为止已经有1万3千人被裁员了。 还有传闻说Warren Buffett要买Countrywide。
看了很多分析家的分析, 我觉得圣地亚哥这里还是有希望的。 只要这里的工作机会还是会继续增长。
上周我的小偶像之一 Cramer让大家买Wells Fargo, 听起来不无道理。 他相信这个危机总会过去, 到今年年底左右。
买房的同学们, 还是先hold on.
一家家的贷款公司都要么关门大吉, 要么就提高要求, 要么就裁雇员。。。每天一读财经新闻就心慌慌啊。 到上周五为止已经有1万3千人被裁员了。 还有传闻说Warren Buffett要买Countrywide。
看了很多分析家的分析, 我觉得圣地亚哥这里还是有希望的。 只要这里的工作机会还是会继续增长。
上周我的小偶像之一 Cramer让大家买Wells Fargo, 听起来不无道理。 他相信这个危机总会过去, 到今年年底左右。
买房的同学们, 还是先hold on.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Short Sale & Foreclosure
如果借贷人接的数目高于房子的市场价值,他本身也没有能力再偿还了。 他就可以和银行协商要求银行允许他做short sale.
具体做饭是借贷人卖出房子, 把贷款给还上。
借贷人先要和银行达成协议, 银行可以接受比欠款要低一些的short sale金额。
目前报纸上网络上到处出现的2个term. 很多人还是搞不清楚。 有很多人问过我到底什么是Short Sale & Foreclosure。 我在这里解释一下。
Short sale比foreclosure好的地方就是影响到credit score的多少。 short sale要减去80-100分。 Foreclosure要减去很多, 一般250-300左右。 所以如果银行同意的前提下, seller都要先short sale.
Foreclosure对银行来说就是更差的选择了。 一方面是expensive, 一方面是own houses也不是银行的business, 银行是最不愿意手里Hold一大堆房子了。
对房主来讲, short sale要提供一系列的证明来证实你的的确确是没钱。 (prove financial distress)而且大多数的银行都会要求房主还要付欠债和卖价的差额。如果是lender “forgives” the debt, 就叫做debt forgiveness. 那要小心了, IRS出现了,IRS会把整个debt forgiveness的数额作为你的收入上税。 具体的要问你的CPA for tax advice。
具体做饭是借贷人卖出房子, 把贷款给还上。
借贷人先要和银行达成协议, 银行可以接受比欠款要低一些的short sale金额。
目前报纸上网络上到处出现的2个term. 很多人还是搞不清楚。 有很多人问过我到底什么是Short Sale & Foreclosure。 我在这里解释一下。
Short sale比foreclosure好的地方就是影响到credit score的多少。 short sale要减去80-100分。 Foreclosure要减去很多, 一般250-300左右。 所以如果银行同意的前提下, seller都要先short sale.
Foreclosure对银行来说就是更差的选择了。 一方面是expensive, 一方面是own houses也不是银行的business, 银行是最不愿意手里Hold一大堆房子了。
对房主来讲, short sale要提供一系列的证明来证实你的的确确是没钱。 (prove financial distress)而且大多数的银行都会要求房主还要付欠债和卖价的差额。如果是lender “forgives” the debt, 就叫做debt forgiveness. 那要小心了, IRS出现了,IRS会把整个debt forgiveness的数额作为你的收入上税。 具体的要问你的CPA for tax advice。
Monday, August 20, 2007
Rancho Bernardo, CA Market Update for July 2007
All date are from Ziprealty.com.
Here are the latest real estate market statistics for Rancho Bernardo, CA area. These numbers represent single family home (SFR) sales only. Percentage of homes on the market with the asking price had been reduced: 41.5%*
Asking Price 六月$640,000 七月$696,158 增长8.8%
Sales Price 六月$633,711 七月$682,365 增长7.7%
$/SQFT 六月$309 七月$319 增长3.2%
Days on Market 六月50 七月60 增长20.0%
Total Transactions 六月120 七月140 增长16.7%
Here are the latest real estate market statistics for Rancho Bernardo, CA area. These numbers represent single family home (SFR) sales only. Percentage of homes on the market with the asking price had been reduced: 41.5%*
Asking Price 六月$640,000 七月$696,158 增长8.8%
Sales Price 六月$633,711 七月$682,365 增长7.7%
$/SQFT 六月$309 七月$319 增长3.2%
Days on Market 六月50 七月60 增长20.0%
Total Transactions 六月120 七月140 增长16.7%
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
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