看房子辛辛苦苦的看了大半天,总算相中了一个,给了offer, 接受了。做了inspection也没啥问题。 恭喜你! 现在房子要close了,你的agent和贷款公司哗啦哗啦的扔给你了一摞文件,数字一列又一列,看得你直晕菜。 今天我们就来透视一下Closing Costs. 让你明明白白清清楚楚的close。
Closing costs分为4大部分:
一是和贷款相关的收费:包含有origination fee, loan points, credit report fee, appraisal, application fee, mortgage broker fee, processing fee, underwriting fee, wire transfer fee, assumption fee等等。 在这里需要注意的是虽然有些lender的利率很低,但是把买point的钱打在closing cost里, 或者巧立名目收一些杂费,这样实际的费用反而高出利率高一些的lender。所以找lender的时候不能光盯着哪家的rate最低。个人认为以现在的市场来看,还是以low cost的为上策, 因为利率下滑的可能性还是很大的。
第二是围绕title的收费: 一般来讲这一部分都是估算的。包含有settlement or closing fee, title search, title examination, title insurance, document preparation fee, notary fee, attorney fee等等。因为这部分的费用是由Title公司来收费,他们收费项目和标准都有所不同, 所以费用会有所差别。 如果你想要一个比较准确的数字的话,可以给Title公司打电话让他们估算closing fee 和title insurance。 (Title insurance是为了保护买方对于property title的拥有权,主要是针对关于title可能存在的争议。)
第三是与Record & Transfer 相关的费用,用来负责county的recording fee, local tax/ stamps 和state tax stamps。和第二项一样,这一项也是估算的,到时候实际发生是多少就收多少。有时候贷款公司会把这些费用和第二项title charges合并在一起通称为第三方收费(third party charges)。因为这些费用并不是由贷款公司来决定,所以千万不要被有些贷款公司低估的"third party charges"所误导。
第四项也是最后一部分是预交费用(Prepaid):包括足月开始前的贷款利息, 一年的房屋保险金以及property tax, flood ins, school tax等等贷款公司要收取的押金。利息是从close那天开始计算的。比如12月21号close, 就收21号到1月1号的利息。 另外,贷款公司会一次性预收一年的保险费或者放在月付里面,具体操作你可以和贷款公司讨论选择适合自己的付款方式。
关于房子的closing costs大概就是这样子:四大板块的费用--由于各个贷款公司收费运作不同,会有一些不同的收费项目,但是基本上也不出左右了。
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Cramer: When Housing Will Bottom
Cramer是我还很喜欢的一个analyst. 没错他经常给一些wrong analysis, 他也是human嘛, 但是我喜欢他的crazy和confidence.
这里发一个昨天Cramer的访谈, 关于房市的。 他认为2008年的最后3个月会是买房的好时机。Let's see.
Video Link
这里发一个昨天Cramer的访谈, 关于房市的。 他认为2008年的最后3个月会是买房的好时机。Let's see.
Video Link
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Immigrants Nudge Builders to Consider New Traditions
Foreign-born homebuyers are changing American design to accommodate their cultural traditions.
For instance, Centex Homes has largely abandoned models featuring a stairway leading up from the foyer that lines up exactly with the front door. That's because in many Asian communities, such an alignment is bad feng shui. It portends that luck will run out of the house.
Home builders in the South and West have begun building homes with more and smaller bedrooms than the traditional four-bedroom house to appeal to some Hispanic immigrant families in which many generations live under one roof.
In areas where there are many Hindu families, there is a demand for homes that reflect vastu shastra, an Indian design philosophy which suggests building homes facing east to soak up sunlight, while placing the kitchen in the center as the symbolic heart of the home.
Some Indian buyers strongly reject foreclosed homes because vastu shastra teaches that it's best to live in a home with positive energy, where the previous residents have been happy and prosperous.
Foreign-born residents make up a growing share of U.S. home owners at all income levels, but particularly first-time buyers, according to Zhu Xiao Di, a senior research analyst at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. Foreign-born residents make up about 16 percent of recent homebuyers in Maryland, 15 percent in Virginia, and 12 percent in the District, according to the center's analysis of U.S. Census data.
For instance, Centex Homes has largely abandoned models featuring a stairway leading up from the foyer that lines up exactly with the front door. That's because in many Asian communities, such an alignment is bad feng shui. It portends that luck will run out of the house.
Home builders in the South and West have begun building homes with more and smaller bedrooms than the traditional four-bedroom house to appeal to some Hispanic immigrant families in which many generations live under one roof.
In areas where there are many Hindu families, there is a demand for homes that reflect vastu shastra, an Indian design philosophy which suggests building homes facing east to soak up sunlight, while placing the kitchen in the center as the symbolic heart of the home.
Some Indian buyers strongly reject foreclosed homes because vastu shastra teaches that it's best to live in a home with positive energy, where the previous residents have been happy and prosperous.
Foreign-born residents make up a growing share of U.S. home owners at all income levels, but particularly first-time buyers, according to Zhu Xiao Di, a senior research analyst at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. Foreign-born residents make up about 16 percent of recent homebuyers in Maryland, 15 percent in Virginia, and 12 percent in the District, according to the center's analysis of U.S. Census data.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Slow market
我的一个朋友是一个很会投资的人。 她的所有的房产都是在好学区的最好的学校旁边。 有一家过马路就是.
虽然是很slow的market, 她现在已经开始在看房要买下一个investment propertie. 她告诉我说这样的downturn她经历过几次了。她的propertie都是downturn里买的。
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