很多人都问我whether or not it's realistic to get some percentage off the builder's listed price? How much can you "negotiate" with the builder? 很多诸如此类的问题。
现在4S的builder都卖的还可以, 虽然比较slow. 我都有不止一次陪客户去讨价还价的经历,基本上都是无功而返的。 我知道的几个圣地亚哥所谓的“金牌” agent去讨价还价一样没有luck. Working out price reductions with the builders基本上是很难的。
我总是觉得it doesn't hurt to give it a try. You will never know but at least you tried.
不过另外一个advice就是你有什么砝码去Negotiate. 无非就是你不要了, walk away.
Your best leverage would be leverage you develop over time. The more guts you have to look the sales lady in the eye and make a demand and walk away if they don't meet your demand, then the more you may get in the long run if you are in it for the long run. That is, you can accept walking away and then coming back a few months later.
对于建筑商来说,最不愿意做的就是降价钱。 他们宁可送你upgrades. 当然了They may claim they are giving you 50k in incentives or upgrades when in reality it may cost them 40-60% of that in materials in labor...
所以, give it a try and good luck!