先定义一下什么叫low ball offer, 多少算low ball了。
先要说明的是,前提:第一,你喜欢这个房子。 第二,你afford这个房子。
Low-Ball Offer: A low-ball offer is a term used to describe an offer on a house that is substantially less than the asking price. While any offer can be presented, a low-ball offer can sour a prospective sale and discourage the seller from negotiating at all. Unless the house is very overpriced, the offer will probably be rejected. In a buyer's market a motivated seller will either accept or make a counter-offer.
For buyers, the BEST situation to submit a low-ball offer is when:
1. Seller has reduced the price for 3rd time
2. Seller reduced price two times within 4 weeks
3. Property has been on the market for at least 4 months
4. You show up to OH and apartment is empty with no names on sign in sheet
5. You find out that seller bought 5+ years ago
6. Imperfections are cosmetic NOT permanent
还有给offer不要一次一次的给,2000,3000的加价钱,让seller觉得你还是有余地,有潜力。 最后就给一个reasonal的offer, 你自己认为最合理的best and final offer. 为了能让你的offer work out, 你可以请你的agent反复强调你的优势,比如没有contingency, 还有工作稳定,收入丰厚,等等。